The election

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I don't know about you guys but I was very happy to wake up this morning to the news that Donald Trump won the election. The one person I saw that predicted it correctly was Milo Yiannopoulos when he said that he thought it would turn out like Brexit. This is very good news for America. I'm positive that Donald Trump will protect the first and second amendments. The liberals have lost control and it's beautiful to see. Their control of the media will likely end, the area of victimhood and grievance culture is over. Now that conservatives have control of the house, the senate, the presidency, and likely the supremacy court, I believe e will head back to the values America was built upon. When Reagan ran they said he was just an actor and he wasn't capable but he turned out to be an amazing president. I think Donald Trump might turn out that way. The censorship of conservatives and the idea that "I'm offended" is a good argument will likely end. I think he will fix a lot of the corruption, turn America back in the direction of the Founding Fathers, lower the debt, unemployment will go down, people won't have to worry as much about illegal people and terrorists, the constitution will be protected, social justice won't have as much power, and America is going to be a lot better. The fact that Trump won proves that people are done with the liberals telling them what they can do, say,and think. Their tired of being lied to and having things shoved down their throat. They're tired of being forced to comply to what liberals want even if it contradicts their beliefs. Al this things aren't going to happen anymore. The liberals know their time is up and they don't want to admit it. I don't know about you but I'm waiting to see what they do. Whatever it is it will certainly be fun to watch. This is probably been the best thing to happen to America in a long time. My hope for America has gotten bigger since I found out. I'm excited to see what happens in the next four years.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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