My Weekend with The Walking Dead Cast!!!!!!!

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So every day I get at least one person that freaks and asks me a bunch of questions about meeting the cast, it’s not that I don’t like sharing it’s just getting to be a pain to type the story out over and over. So I asked people to submit questions and I would answer them as well as give a description and summary of each day! The first part will be the summary of the day 1 the next part day 2 the next part day 3 and the last part will be the fan questions that everyone has asked! I hope everyone enjoys and I was able to give you all the information you wanted and answered all your questions!! Xx


P.S. I will admit I was really giddy and fangirlish while writing this!! I can’t wait to meet Steven Yeun (Glenn), Emily Kinney (Beth), Chad L. Coleman (Tyreese), and to see Sean Clark again in September.

My Weekend with The Walking Dead Cast!!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now