Chapter 1

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Picture of Rain above

Rain POV
I've never had someone who really cared about me or even pretended to care. I had a father and mother and a older brother and a dead little sister, Abby, but to them I was nothing. They tease me about anything they could and made sure my life was shit. They said Abby was dead because of me, I can't help i was 5 when she was 2 and couldn't save her from the rouges. However they still blamed me for her death. I could never hurt that adorable 2 year old. She was so cute you wanted to give her whatever she wanted even if I was only 5 I'd do anything I could for her.

Oh, and by the way I'm Rain Cami Samcaster. I have dark red hair that goes to the middle of my back and bright blue eyes. I dye my hair because I don't like my true blonde hair it's dull and I needed something new. My parents let me do whatever I want so yes i gave a few piercings. I'm 16 and sadly haven't changed into my wolf, which I get teased about everyday about. Most wolves change around 15 and find their mate at 16. Well not me I'm just very unlucky I guess you can say.

As I wake up in take a hot shower get dressed do my make up and curl my hair. I walk to the kitchen to make breakfast if I don't I should be lucky not to have to do my make up again. When I finally finished making breakfast I start to leave but not till I get slapped and called names. Fun right, no.

As I walk to school I notice someone watching me. I can't tell what he is because I don't have my wolf, so I just keep walking till I'm at school, or hell as I like to call it. Most people are wolves, but a few are humans.

I have one friend I guess you could say. His name is John, and yes he's a wolf, but we barely ever talk. He's tall with short blonde hair and brown eyes. He's really sweet when he does talk though to me. We really only have each other, it's always been like that. We've grown up together, because our parents we're friends so we became friends. Well as school went on we just barely talked unless something was really bothering us.

He tries to stick up for me when he can but we have one class together. So I'm stuck with a bunch of jerks all day.

When lunch finally comes around we meet in the library to either do homework or talk. School lunch here is the worst, so we just don't eat. A lot of students don't because it's so bad. When lunch is over we say goodbye and I go to chemistry the class is hate the most. On my way when Alexis, aka school slut, decided it would be funny to trip me. Well the part she forgot was she had 7 inch heels on so as I went down in grabbed one and she landed on her face. HAHA. Bitch take that. Before anything else happened I ran home where it's "safer" than school I guess.

As I walk into my house is hear yelling from my mom, dad ,and brother. This should be good, not. I didn't do anything like always but no I'll probably be blamed as always. Uh, my life sucks at times. Owell time to see what the yelling all about.

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