Chapter 2

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Picture of John

POV Rain
As I walk into my house I notice it was destroyed. I was confused as to what happened in my home, I mean why my house out of everyone's. Was my house special because there's nothing different about it than anyone else's. I walked through the house and ever room except mine was destroyed. Mines had stuff moved around but not turned around. Somehow I managed to not see my family the whole time till now.

They all looked at me and look pissed and upset. My dad yelled at me, "Why would you ruin your own house? Why, do you hate us or just want to ruin every single damn thing we have!"

Shocked he said that, I started crying, why I don't know I just did. Only to be yelled at even more.

"Do you just want to remind us of her death, of that day YOU let your little sister die in front of you and didn't give two shits about it!" My mother screamed at me.

Only then did I notice all the pictures and clothes that where out, they all were hers, Abby's. Even for two years she had the most amount of pictures. She was so spoiled you couldn't help be a little jealous.

After looking at the pictures I found the words I have been looking for, "How could I do this I was at school. I just got home, why would I want to do this. I loved her! "

How dare they accuse me of this. I still can't believe it. I have been at school all day, when would of even have time, and they know looking at her pictures and stuff brings back bad memories for all for us, not just them.

After being yelled at, for "making the mess" I had to clean it up. No one else bothered to help me. Storm tried but he can't do anything to help. Oh, and Storm is my ten weeks old red heeler puppy. He had one blue eye and one brown eyes and he's the cutest thing ever.

After cleaning the mess, grabbed Storm and ran to my room to change clothes into some gym shorts and a tank top and put my tennis shoes on. My poor boy wanted to play so I decided to take him to the park and play.

Before I left it grabbed a leach and put it on him. Then we walked, me carrying him mostly so he didn't get tired, half a mile to the park. When we got there is set him down and found a stick and started throwing it and he went to go receive it and brought it back. We did this for an hour then walked time fine little man a drink of water.

As I was looking around for some water I noticed the same guy from this morning staring at me. I looked away but still felt his eyes on me. He still had the same outfit in jeans with a dark blue shirt. He was talking maybe 6" 1 and had brown hair. He was cute and looked to be about 18, but he was still staring at me and that's not something I liked people doing.

This kinda scared me twice in one day this guy has been watching me. I grabbed Storm and started walking home. When I got out of sight of the park I ran the rest of the way home.

As I walked into my house I got yelled at because no one knew where I went since when do they care?

I went to my room and brought Storm, my parents hated him mainly because I pay more attention to him than what I'm supposed to be doing. But I bought him and buy everything for him so they can't complain to much.

When I got to my room I went to the bathroom and took a long hot shower, and gave Storm a bath, he loves water. If I'm not careful he'll try to take a shower with me.

After I get dressed i lay in my bed and try to get some sleep it was eight and I was beyond tired. And the last thing I remember is Storm jumping on my bed and I was out.

When I woke up i got ready for school , and started my day off as usal. I need to get a life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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