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Kanan frowned as he stared through the viewport of the Ghost. The moon before them was none other than Wasskah. It was a watery planet with several scattered islands. He hadn't even visited the surface and already it disgusted him.

"Well, hopefully Ezra is down on one of those islands," Hera said, pushing several buttons on the control panel. Within moments the Ghost was invisible to all scanners.

"Which island should we check first?" Sabine asked. "There may not be time to check them all."

"That one," Kanan said, pointing out the viewport. None of the others questioned his decision. Instead, Hera nodded. Kanan led Sabine and Zeb to the Phantom, where they disengaged and headed towards the planet's surface.

The island Kanan had chosen looked just like every other one. It was ringed by a sandy beach, which turned to a thick forest farther in. It was dark and mysterious looking in the darkness of night. Several animals growled and screeched from deeper in the forest.

"This is definitely a hunting ground," Zeb said. Sabine examined the sand.

"Looks like something happened here," she announced. "The sand is all churned up, and there's evidence of a blaster fight. There's no clue about whether Ezra is here or not."

"We'll have to go deeper in then," Kanan decided. He activated his lightsaber and led the way into the woods with Sabine and Zeb close behind.

After walking a short distance, Kanan heard rustling in the trees above. He gripped his lightsaber tighter and prepared himself to face whatever beast was hiding.

Instead of a beast, a kid dropped lightly out of the tree. He landed in a crouch and stood up, brushing himself off. He glanced at Kanan, Sabine, and Zeb in wonder. He looked a couple years older than Ezra. Kanan noticed that one of his eyes was blinded and the skin around it was scarred.

"You're them, aren't you?" the kid asked.

"What are you talking about?" Zeb demanded.

"The one he was talking about," the kid said, looking at Kanan's lightsaber. "His master."

"You know Ezra?" Kanan asked hopefully.

"I don't know what his name was, but it's probably the same one," the kid replied.

"Short?" Zeb began describing. "Dark hair? Blue eyes? Annoying ability to use the force?"

"Sounds just like him," the kid replied.

"Where is he?" Kanan asked.

"I can take you to him. I'm Roy by the way."

Roy began leading the way through the woods with the rebels close behind.

"So you guys are really here to rescue Ezra?" Roy asked.

"We're going to try," Kanan promised.

"He's a lucky kid. He never doubted you guys for a second. All he wanted to do was go back to the beach where the Trandoshans dropped him off. He was positive you would come for him. Of course, it's the reason he's in this situation in the first place . . ." Roy trailed off.

"What situation?" Zeb asked.

"Well, when he was waiting near the beach, a creature called a Nexu attacked him. It managed to bite his arm. Ezra lived, but the breed of Nexu that lives on this island is poisonous. He'll be dead by tomorrow. He's already got a high fever. I've been doing what I can for him, but without the cure that the Trandoshans have on their ship, there's no way I can save him."

"Maybe we can help," Kanan said. Roy led the way through a thicket of bushes and disappeared in a particularly large one. The rebels followed.

Inside the bush itself was a small hut. It was empty other than something laying on the ground near the wall. Kanan moved closer in order to get a better look.

It was Ezra. His breathing was rapid, and his eyes were closed. One of his arms had several fang marks on it and was a painful red. The places where the fangs had broken the skin was black.

"You said the cure was with the Trandoshans?" Kanan asked.

"It should be," Roy replied. "They would need a cure in case one of their hunters was injured."

"We're going to go get a cure," Kanan said. "You can come or stay."

"Oh, I'm definitely coming," Roy said. "Dogan is gone. I have nothing left to lose."

"Then we're leaving right now," Kanan said.

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