The Beginning

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Ian's POV

I woke up and pulled the covers over my legs and slowly sat up. I turned and looked to the other side of the bed only to see an empty semi made bed. My heart throbbed as I looked at it. I haven't had a girlfriend in a while because my brother.
Brian has a disease that causes his eyes to cross in different directions. We went through school together and his disease caused people to judge him and bully him. so many people have done him wrong.
I stood up and stretched. I turned around and fixed my bed. I smiled at my good work and walked into the bathroom. I began to brush my teeth and watched myself in the mirror. I spit out the toothpaste and rinsed out my mouth. I stripped out of my clothes and then threw them into my hamper.
I walked over to my shower and started the water. I stepped into the shower and grimaced as the freezing water fell down back. The water got warmer as time went on and I washed every part of my body. I stepped out and grabbed the towel off of the rack beside the shower and began to dry my body off. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked back to my room to choose out my clothes. I pulled my clothes on and put deodorant on.
I walked out of my room into the kitchen and found Brian standing there waiting for me. "Good morning, Ian." He's said with a smile. I smiled at him in return. "Good morning, Brian. How did you sleep last night?" He shrugged. "I slept fine but I can't seem to find my sunglasses. Do you have any clue where they might be?" I shrugged. "I have no idea. I'll buy you another pair if you want." He gave me a huge smile and came and hugged me. I pulled myself away from him And walked over to the fridge. "Have you already eaten breakfast?" I said. "Yeah I had a couple of toaster pastries." "Okay. I'm probably just going to eat a bowl of cereal." I replied. Brian went back to his room. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and set it in the counter. Then I pulled out my milk and my favorite cereal, Krave. I poured my cereal into my bowl then poured my fat free milk on top. I grabbed a medium sized spoon from the drawer in front of me and put my milk and cereal back to where I got them from.
I sat down with my bowl in front of me and began shoveling the cereal into my mouth. When I finished it I got up and rinsed my bowl and put it into the dishwasher. "Brian!! I'm about to go to the store do you wanna come with!?" I shouted. He came out to the staircase still in his pajamas. "I would like to go but you have to give me a second to get dressed." I nodded. "Okay, I'm going to go start the car while I wait. Okay?" With that response he smiled and went back into his room. I grabbed my keys off of the counter and made my way out the door. I smiled as I stepped off of the porch. I made my way across the cobblestone path to my new Lexus. I got to the car and unlocked it. I pulled the door open and sat down in the front seat. I put the key into the ignition and listened to it start up.

I know this was just an update to my previous chapter but I will be updating this on occasions. Make sure to leave me some feedback in the comments so I know that I'm doing okay. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for more SsundeePoo.

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