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I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home.
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you.

kirsten clark ;

Working as an assistant was probably the worst job I'd ever had after waitressing.  The constant flurry of phone calls and task managing and organizing was enough to make anyone, even me, go crazy.

"Kirsten! Get me more Tic-Tacs!" Maggie's demanding voice echoes through the office corridors until it reaches my ears.

I sigh before opening my desk drawer and pulling out a box of the candy. The orange ones, just like she preferred. I walk down the hall, passing Camille on the way. When she notices the Tic-Tacs, she smirks and attempts to stifle her laughter.

"Kirsten, you'll be out of here in no time. Remember the plan. Everyone who wants to get to the top has to go through this stage first." I think in an attempt to remain optimistic.

"Oh, thank goodness. I was beginning to worry you'd gotten lost." Maggie says as I walk into her office.

I bite my tongue and hand her the Tic-Tacs. If she ever listened to me when I spoke, she wouldn't have had to wait for me in the first place. There are Tic-Tacs around her at any moment just because I know she eats one every time she starts to get nervous. Five in her desk, three in her briefcase, two in her purse. Not to mention the stash that I kept in my own desk for these occasions.

After she pops one into her mouth, she looks me up and down with disapproval in her eyes. "My darling, that's not what you're wearing to the party, is it?"

I look down at my simple jeans and grey sweater. "I--"

"No, I don't want to know. Just change. Make yourself presentable." She says before I can get any full thought out of my mouth.

Fifteen minutes later, I was driving back to the office in a dusty rose colored dress. The sleeves went down to my elbows and the skirt ended right above my knees. I wore a silver locket around my neck, and I felt it rise and fall against the smooth fabric with every breath I took. I slowed down as the building came into view before pulling into my regular parking space.

I could see the warm glow from all the lights in every window, and the sweet sounds of strings and keys floated to my ears as the door opened. My eyes skimmed over everything, trying to take it all in at once. The chandeliers glittered above, and light bounced off of the mirrors hanging on the walls. The crowd was a sea of model-like women and men. The women were in breath-taking dresses, and the men were in various shades of grey and black suits. I immediately felt under-dressed.

"Kirsten! Goodness, I've been looking for you everywhere!" Maggie's voice sounds from behind me.

"Sorry, Maggie. I was actually just looking for you too."

"They messed up the flower arrangements and everything is ruined. Kirsten, help. I don't know what to do." She half-sobs.

"Maggie, hold yourself together. Don't even worry about it. I'll get the right flower arrangements ASAP." I hold her shoulders and look her straight in the eye. "Tonight will not be ruined." I promise.

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