Chapter one: Wingpaw and the shadows of the Dark Forest

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Wingpaw paused, sniffing the air. Intruders! "Come out! Show yourself!" Wingpaw yowled.
"Calm down! It's me!" Windpaw snapped.
"Oh. Sorry." Wingpaw said.
Windpaw huffed. "It's fine. Just because you are apprenticed to the meanest cat in the Clan-"
"Shadowshard is not mean! He's just... Strict." Wingpaw defended his mentor.
"Uh huh. Yeah. Let's all go with whatever's Wingpaw says because we all know he's scared of his mentor!" Windpaw sneered.
Wingpaw turned away.
"Oh, what's this? Wingpaw's-" Windpaw stopped.
Wingpaw raced away, into the forest.
"Wingpaw!" Windpaw yowled.
Wingpaw kept running.
. . . Timeskip
"Windpaw! Your warrior name will be Windclaw. StarClan honers your bravery and loyalty and we welcome you as a full member of EarthClan!" Emberstar yowled.
Wingpaw burned with jealousy. Why can't I be made a warrior?! I am older than Windpaw! He seethed.
Emberstar looked right at Wingpaw. "Wingpaw needs to have more experience telling friend from foe-"
Laughs and huffs echoed around the camp.
"-so his warrior ceremony will be postponed." Emberstar said and leaped down from the rock.
"Wingpaw! Come here!" Shadowshard yowled.
"Yes?" Wingpaw said bitterly.
"Come. We must do more training." Shadowshard led Wingpaw to the forest.
"Now. I am going to teach you something important: friends smell like home. Foes smell like death." Shadowshard instructed.
Wingpaw nodded.
"Close your eyes and rely only on smell. I am going to hide among... others. Pick me out." Shadowshard ordered.
Wingpaw nodded again and closed his eyes. He heard Shadowshard's thoughts-the ones Shadowshard allowed him to-. Come. He is ready.
Wingpaw stiffened as a new scent and thoughts reached his head and nose. These cats smelled bitter. Like death! Wingpaw realized. He smelled past all the scents and closed his mind to block out the thoughts. There! "Behind the fight rock." Wingpaw announced.
Shadowshard nodded. "Open your eyes."
Wingpaw did and saw who the cats that smelled bitter were.
The cats grinned and paced, evil gleams in their eyes.
"W-who are they?" Wingpaw whispered.
"Dark Forest warriors. I will tell Emberstar you passed." Shadowshard ran back to camp.
Wingpaw stayed frozen, looking at the Dark Forest warriors.
"Hello Wingpaw. We've been waiting." A she-cat purred.
"Don't scare the poor thing, Scarfury." A older tom purred.
"W-what do you want with me?" Wingpaw stuttered.
The Dark Forest cats pressed in close. "TO SEE THE CLANS DESTROYED!" They yowled. "TO SEE THE LIGHT SNUFFED OUT! THE DARKNESS WILL REIGN FOREVER! STARTING WITH YOU. THAT CAT OFF THE PROPHECY!" The Dark Forest cats screeched and turned towards Wingpaw, claws glinting in the sunlight.
"StarClan help me!" Wingpaw yowled.
"StarClan can't help you now." Scarfury hissed softly.
"I will fight with you, Wingpaw!" A cat nodded to him.
"Blazestorm?" Wingpaw whispered.
The StarClan cat nodded. "Yes, Wingpaw. Come. We can fight them. Use your senses."
Wingpaw nodded and let out a screech.
A few cats shuffled back.
"Attack!" Scarfury yowled.
The Dark Forest cats surged forwards.
Blazestorm and Wingpaw yowled and fought the shadowy DarkClan cats.
Wingpaw bit down on one's shoulder and kicked another in the muzzle.
Scarfury bit down on Wingpaw's throat.

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