Chapter one

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It is two o'clock in the morning when I see her. She stands in my doorway, as cold as water in a frozen lake. My best friend Lydia. I sit up in my bed, and stare.
"Truth or dare?" She asks me, coming to my bedside. Her eyes are like pits in her hollow face, and her mouth does not move with her words. I freeze.
"W-what?" I stammer, unable to breath.
"I said," replies the ghostly figure, "Truth or dare?"
My head is pounding. Lydia just looks at me with those sad-sunken eyes and tilts her head, waiting for my reply. Come on, I tell myself, just answer her question! There is just one problem. Lydia died two years ago. She is staring at me expectantly.
"Ummm...," I start, not knowing quite what to say, "D-Dare?" I whisper tentatively, hopefully after one dare she will leave me alone. She inclines her head. "Come with me." She says after a while, and rises up and waits for me. My breath is coming in shallow gasps. She knew I would choose dare. I always do. Where is she taking me? I force myself to get up, and put one foot in front of the other. I follow her out of my room. She leads me down the hallway, towards the front door.
"Unlock it." She commands. I fumble around with the keys and open the door.
"Now go outside and lock the door behind you." She says, and seems to pass through the wall as I go outside and lock the door behind me.
"Follow me." She commands again, and she leads the way. She leads me down paved streets, past the markets, past the stables, past the dock, all the way to Rip Point. She produces a blindfold.
"Put this on." She commands yet again. I take it from her icy fingers and with a trembling hand, and wrap it around my eyes.
"Now," she says, her voice suddenly full of malice, " I dare you, Coco Lumbur, to follow my directions precisely, because you are about to do a trust dare" My body goes cold. I have heard this dare before.
"Two steps left." She says, and I shuffle left two paces. She's using the same sequence I used two years ago. "Four right, eight forward, two left, nine forward, twelve right,...." She keeps going and I follow her orders like an obedient puppy. She reaches the last step.
"Jump forward as far as you can, and keep your arms in." My lungs feel like an icy hand is squeezing them. The same steps I gave her two years ago. She knows it was me who did it.
"Wait! No!" I cry, desperately trying to pull off my blindfold. "It was an accident!"I feel a shove from behind, and hear the vicious wind whistling in my ears as I am pushed off the cliff. I know that I am plummeting towards the rocky shore, two kilometres below. An icy vice grabs my heart and squeezes. Just like she would have felt two years ago. I scream at the top of my lungs, then feel white hot pain. And the world fades.

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