Part 8

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Thank you for reading, leaving votes, and giving positive feedback! ^^ It's funny, because I had planned this to be only four chapters long at the most, but I kept getting ideas from you guys and have ended up writing twice as much! Thank you :D 

Although it'll be a little while before we finish this, I was thinking of writing multiple endings, three at the most. I've seen it done before and looks fun to write. Let me know if I should or not!


Grian's POV

"You three are in room 12, here's the key..." The man behind the desk said, giving the key to J. 

We went up the elevator, and lugging our things we had bought behind us, reached our room.

It was a small three bed room, one bed in one corner and another in the opposite. The couch folds out into the third. There is a large window opposite from the door, a small kitchen with just a crafting table, furnace, sink, and a chest. The red curtains that hung loosely on the window is faded, a wobbly table sits by the kitchen with a chair, and that was it, plain and dull. The floor creaked as we walked across it and the water slowly dripped loudly from the facet. 

I went through the stuff we had bought, separating the clothing from the food and putting everything away. J was fixing the door because the lock was broken, and Taurtis had already claimed one of the beds, the blanket over his head, his headphones sitting at top the chest beside the bed and doesn't say anything for the last bit of the day. 

I took 27 yen, the last bit of money we hadn't used, out of my inventory and set it atop the table. I hear the door close. J walks over.

"I think I fixed it, the lock had come loose from being used so much." He said, grabbing an apple and flopped down on the couch, looking slightly nervous.

"What are we going to do?" I ask. J looks at me confused. "Hmph?" He says with a full mouth.

"About Taurtis. You know this is hitting him hard. What will happen to him if the judges claim Sam guilty, and send him to prison, or worse? What will happen to Taurtis?" J swallows. 

"I don't know Grian... all that we can do is support him for now. Give him a bit of time to get over the shock..."


I decide to take the couch to sleep on and let J use the other bed. By the time I set up the bed J is already asleep. 

I pull the blanket over me, letting out a long sigh, wide awake. I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep, not after what just happened a few hours ago. Yuki's and Sam's screams still rang in my ears. 

I laid there, trying to think about something besides Yuki's head rolling across the floor, and what Sam had did..

Sam's POV

I cover my eyes, blinded by the bright lights shining in my face. "Get the doctor! He's awake!" I hear a girl's voice say, happy but also nervous, and foot steps. I attempt to sit up, but only to be pushed back down again.

"Mr. Gladiator, please wait, the doctor will be here any moment!" The nurse says, seeming more nervous by the moment. 

I try to sit up again, but she holds me down.

"Let me go." I snap, tired, confused, my head throbbing. She jumps away when I reach out for her, a scared look on her face. 

I sit up in the bed, rubbing my head. 

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