Part 11

171 12 31

Grian's POV

I feel my heart go up my throat, the blood drain from my face. I stand there, unmoving, breathing softly, slowly, trying to stay calm.

"No... I-its not..." His voice cracks, shifting in tone like two people trying to talk at once. A firm hand is placed on my should, holding tightly. My body tenses, tears form in my eyes.

I hear sobbing.

Still terrified, I turn my head. Sam, crying, his other bloodied hand covering his face is standing behind me. Tears fall to the floor. I remember to breath.

"Sam...?" I say softly slowly shifting my body turning around.

"Sh... Sh... p-please, not so loud... resting... healing... don't wake Him... it-it hurts grian..." His breaths are raspy, he's shaking and looks pale as a ghost. Sam looks like he's about to collapse.  This is him, I know it.

"Grian... i-i know its risky for me to be h-here, but I... I need you to help me... End all of this... Wh-while He's weak..." He stammers, taking deep breaths in the middle of talking, sitting down and clutching his chest. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a knife, holding it out to me, shaking.

"please Grian... i can't do it myself, He stops me..." Sam suddenly flinches dropping the knife to the floor, pulling both his hands towards. I stand there in shock, before slowly bending down not taking my eyes off him and picking it up.

"Pl-please Grian, I-I know you hate me now, but-but please... do this one last favor for me... You'll save everyone... including yourself..." He says struggling to breath more, heavy tears of pain run down his face.

"Sam... Why is this all happening? Why are you doing this? At least explain yourself if you expect me to do this..."

Sam shakes and sobs loudly, I'm shocked nobody has heard yet.

"It-its a really long story Grian... I don't have enough time t-to explain it, but just know... please... th-this isn't me, this is something else... evil... wants to ruin me..." He starts rambling, I'm unable to understand what he's saying as he begins to cry more.

"Shh, relax, I can't understand you." I place my hand on his shoulder and he tenses up for a moment before relaxing.

"I-im so, so sorry Grian, I'm sorry for all this..." He cries softly, and begins to shake.

"No no,  Sam relax I think I understand now, I know this isn't you-" "Grian get away!" He suddenly shrieks pushing me away with great strength. He's clawing at his head and pulling his ears.

"Do it Grian! Do it now please! I BEG YOU! KILL ME! KILL ME PLEASE!" He screams tilting his head back so you could get a clear shot at his neck. He's withering, screaming and clawing at his body, his eyes rolling back.

I stand up gripping the handle of the knife tightly, tears stinging my eyes. My hands are shaky, but I raise the blade.

"I-Im sorry Taurtis..."


I swing my arm hard shutting my eyes.

My arm hits something. It feels numb for a moment before s shear pain shoots up my arm. I let out a scream, being the most painful thing I've experienced in my entire life, my eyes flash open.

The blade is inches from Sam's neck. He appears to be dead. No breathing, his body seems limp, yet his right arm holds mine with inhuman strength. I cry trying to pull free.

"S-Sam! Sam please!" The grip tightens and I look at his face. The only part that's moving is his eyes, which move back forth rapidly, before rolling into the back of his head letting in a deep gasp. He let's go and I stumble back, crying in pain. I stand there, unmoving staring at Sam.

"GRIAN!" He suddenly bolts upright reaching out for me, then freezing, his eyes dilating in size focused on me.

He grins, slowly moving away.

"You should've listened Grian. You're dumb and pathetic, I will enjoy watching you die."

I feel frozen, unable to do nothing but cry. He walks up to me.

"I will make Dr. HB look like a joke compared to what condition you will be in." He grabs my arm pulling me up.

"PAUL! PAUL HELP ME!" Sam punches me in the mouth, I can hear a crack and I cry out in pain.

"There's no point, he can't hear you Grian."


I planned to add more but I wanted to publish this right away to show I'm still working on it. Expect more soon. I'm sorry if there's spelling mistakes, its 2 am right now lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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