Chapter 20

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*2 days later*
Today is the day I leave for Miami and Jacob leaves for the chipotle tour.this is going to be a long day.i got up, got dressed(in media),brushed my hair and teeth and ate breakfast.after that I went over to Jacobs house to say goodbye because I leave in 1 hour and he leaves in 2. I knock on the door and he opens it.dont cry, don't cry.too late I'm tearing up."Jacob"I yell."cutie"he tells back.i then give him a hug.for 40 min we hung out and watched tv while cuddling.soon t was time for me to leave."I'm going to miss you"I said."im going to miss you too"he said.after that we kissed for a couple seconds."bye Jacob"I said."bye cutie....don't worry I won't forget about you"he said."I won't forget about you either"I said and then got into my dads car.i already miss Jacob and it's only been a couple minutes.
*at the airport*
After I said bye to my parents I went to my gate.while I waited for my plane I went on Twitter.i scrolled through and there was one that stood was from Jacob. It said im already missing my girlfriend @donnadawson and it's only been less than an hour. I just have to wait 2 months and a week😢
I then replied saying @jacobsartorius awwww I miss you too can't wait till I see you again.
A couple minutes later my plane arrived and I boarded.
*skip plane ride*
When I got off the plane I went to go get my luggage. I wonder what Nicole and mark are doing right now but I don't want to think about that. After I found all my luggage I went to go look for my cousin ally. I then saw her."ALLYYYYYYYY"I screamed."DONNAAAAAA"she said once she saw to her was my uncle Lester."hi uncle"I said as I got closer to them.after we said our hellos we got in the car.
*skip car ride*
After we dropped my stuff off at ally's place we went to the mall she works at."so what's the name of the place you work at"I asked ally."it's called sonic boom"she said.some people think oh she's your cousin you've visited her in Miami well no.once we got to sonic boom I saw trish in there with two other people."TRISHHHH"i yelled."DONNAAA"trish"yelled back."sooooo who's this"an orange haired dude asked."this is Donna my cousin"ally said."oh I'm dez"he said"by the way he's not really smart and he's weird"ally whispered to me."hi I'm Austin"the Austin moon said to me.oh my gosh."hi and not to sound creepy but I know who you are".after all the introductions I got a was from Jacob."hold on someone's calling me"I said to them.
Convo d=Donna j=Jacob
D=hi Jacob
j=hi cutie
D=so you miss me that bad hmmmm
J=I always miss you even if it's only a minute after you leave
"Awwwww"I heard people in the background say.
D=I miss you too
J=well I have to go practice for the show
D=ok bye
J=bye miss you already
*hangs up*
"Awwwww that was so cute"ally said."oh my gosh ally"I said."so Donna,trish wanna go to mini's"ally asked."sure"me and trish said.austin and dez didn't go because they were going to a zaliens movie.while we were walking there we talked."so trish do you have a boyfrienddddd"I asked."ok I'm gonna tell you guys but don't tell Austin"she said."ok we promise"me and ally said."ok so I'm dating austins back up dancer Trent"trish said."awwwww" i said."my best fri-----"ally tried saying but I put my hand over her mouth."we are not going through this again"I said."but I love love"ally said."no just no"I said in a not again tone.after we ate at mini's , which the food is actually mini,we went back to sonic boom.for the rest of the day we hung out until austins dance practice."remember don't tell him about Trent"trish says."also he is going to act like he doesn't know me well"."ok me and ally said."look it's Trent"I said.austin then walked over to me with Trent."Donna this is Trent. Trent this is Donna ally's cousin"he said."nice to meet you"we said to each other.austin and his backup dancers danced to heartbeat. I love that song."wow Trent is a really good dancer"I said to ally and trish."of course he is"trish said all in love.after dance practice me and ally went home and went to bed.i really miss Jacob. 2 months and a 1 week left.

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