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"Damn it Marcus, I can't believe you did that!"

"Evie, just relax. Mom and dad won't care that you sold their only bargaining chip when you screwed the boy next door," Marcus, my stupid brother said and fell over laughing at me.

"Marcus, we didn't sleep together! I love Dominic.. and I can't believe you'd actually say that."

Blushing I looked away from my brother. I was raised to be proper, my brother Marcus and I both were actually. He was Prince Marcus, and I was Princess Evelyn, but everyone called me Evie.

 Marcus was two years older than me, and with him being twenty two, you'd think he was actually fifteen. He was wild, impulsive and I loved being around him. He made the world bearable.

I was twenty, and labeled the "good child." I always did exactly as was expected of me. I had gotten all the best grades in school, never stayed out late, never had a boyfriend.

Marcus was never in the castle before three in the morning, and if our bodies allowed us to produce a baby before we found our soul mates, Marcus would have a whole football team of children running around. Knowing all of that about my brother, I wouldn't change a thing about him. He looked out for me in school when people called me the "prissy queen" or when I needed to get away from our parents, Marcus would drop whatever he was doing and come rescue me.

"Marcus, you know that I don't want to marry Steven. I don't know him! I don't love him! And I definitely know he isn't my soul mate." I knew who my soul mate was. I'd always know who he was. It mas my brother's best friend Dominic. We'd all grown up together. He was always around and gave me a shoulder to lean on more than once. We all played in the mud together and he actually ate my mud pie once when we were little. He told me he would do anything that I'd asked. But as we got older, duties started pulling us apart. I was the princess, arranged to be married to Steven. Dominic was technically a guard but he was so much more than that. He was assigned to watch over Marcus and since they'd been friends for forever, it wasn't an issue.

"Evie, just relax. Just tell mom and dad that you slept with Dom and they will understand." Why was everything a joke to him? I was scared and didn't know what to do. I didn't have time for his damn jokes.

"Dammit Marcus, I didn't sleep with Dominic! I know he's your best friend and we flirt but we didn't sleep together." I could feel my face turning red in anger and I wanted to smack the smile off his face.

"Your twenty Evie, maybe you should just sleep with him? Get it over with. You may actually like it!" Marcus bumped my shoulder with his in a teasing fashion, making my frown turn into a smile. I hated that he could always make me in a better mood.

I can't believe I'm having this conversation with my brother. How embarrassing, but I knew I could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge me. He would tell me the truth, whether I wanted to hear it or not.

"Please don't say anything to Dom, Marcus. I would die if he heard some rumor about us sleeping together, especially since you and I would have started the rumor." And with that.. I slowly died.

Someone cleared their throat behind me and I turned around to see Dominic standing behind me, looking at me with a huge smirk on his face. His eyes were looking directly into mine and I could feel my knees getting weak just from the sight of him. He stood at least a foot taller than me and just being around him was intimdating, but more than that it was exciting to be around him.

I wanted to crawl in a hole and die though. I can't believe he heard me say those things about him.

"Hey Marcus. Evie, you are looking... amazingly embarrassed and delicious, if I might add." Dominic smiled this heart breaking smile at me and reached out to touch my cheek. His finger tips grazed the skin on my cheek and he caused the red color to deepen on my cheeks.

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