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Evie's POV

I was being pulled away from Ruben and I felt safe. The quickness of the touch left me dizzy and I realized I was safe.

I knew automatically that it wasn't Ruben who had touched me. It wasn't my brother and it sure wasn't someone I didn't know. It was the man I'd loved all along.


Dominic was there. Dominic was saving me and he was the father of my child. My body felt better with him near and my soul felt complete. But how did he know where I was and why was he here?

I realized I was outside Ruben's pool house and all I could here was yelling. Dom was yelling at Ruben about touching me.

"Touch her again and I'll kill you Ruben."

"How do you even know Evelyn? How did you know she was here?"

"When I met you Ruben, I gave you something because I thought you could give Evie something I couldn't. I thought I wasn't good enough for her but I was wrong. I want it back and I'm going to take it all back."

"Your not taking anything back. I can feel the power inside me. I can feel things I couldn't before and your not taking anything away from me, especially Evelyn." Ruben was shaking with anger and as I watched them yell at each other from the doorway, I couldn't help but grab my stomach to protect my child.

As my hands connected with my stomach, both sets of male eyes turned to look at me and their eyes were suddenly on my stomach. Both men gasped and Dominic stepped towards me.

"Are you..?" Dominic asked me with love in his eyes.

"Yes" was all I could whisper.

"Your pregnant with my child aren't you? That's what the doctor say isn't it?" Ruben yelled at me and I winced back.

"Yes, I'm pregnant. About four months along." As I said that, both men looked confused because I hadn't slept with either of them that long ago.

"It's mine. It's the werewolf in me that makes you so far along. My grandmother said I needed to see you as soon as possible and this must be why?" Dominic was standing just a few inches from me now. I could see the life in his eyes was fading. I reached my hand up to touch his face and his eyes closed, leaning into my hand.

"Yes, he's yours. If you don't want this baby that's ok. I'll raise him on my own. Since I can't lead the country and when I have a son, he will lead instead. You don't need to worry about anything. He will be taken care of. He will be beyond loved and have everything he has ever wanted." I realized I started calling him a he and kept calling him a he. I couldn't possibly know that and as I questioned myself, he kicked me as to tell me to stop.

Dominic looked down at my stomach when he kicked and placed a hand on my stomach. His eyes lit up and then looked me in the eye again. I was so scared at what he was going to say but it was all cut short. We seemed to have forgotten Ruben was here and out of nowhere, Ruben was running at me. Range was all over his face and all I could hear was him yelling. He was holding something and then everything went black.


Ruben's POV

I was so mad, all I could see was red. Evie was pregnant and she was clearly choosing Nick over me. How did they even know each other? I'd spent so much time with Evie, getting to know her, being a rock for her when she was upset, loving her and the second someone else came along, she was going to leave me? I just don't think so. I wasn't normally a jealous man, but everything inside me was screaming at me to keep what was mine. I felt my blood boiling as she was standing there, touching Nick, pretending like I wasn't even here. Damn it, they were in my house!

"Evie, it's not possible that Nick is the father. You have been sleeping in my bed for weeks and never once did you say anything about another man. I'm the father and your not taking my child away from me." I screamed at her.

"Who's Nick? Do you mean Dominic, Ruben? Do you two know each other?" Evie said in disbelief.

"Yes, when I moved here, Nick, or Dominic as you call him, helped me move into my house. We became friends after that. He suggested the restaurant we went to on our first date. I was outside waiting for him when you bumped into me that night. He said he was going to meet me there with a girlfriend of him for a double date."

As I was saying all of this, Evie was looking at me with shock. She looked like what I was saying to her was slapping her in the face.

"Dom, tell me what he is saying isn't true. Tell me you didn't essentially set us up?"

While they were bickering between each other, I found the gun I had hidden in my kitchen drawer. I pointed the gun at Nick and without even one more thought, I pulled the trigger. I didn't care what the consequences were. I didn't care what happened to him. All I was thinking about was Nick being out of our lives because he was trying to take my Evie from me. That just wasn't an option.. for either of them.

Dominic's POV

As I'm talking to Evie, I hear a gun shot. It makes me lunge forward to protect Evie and my child. As I jump forward, I take Evie down with me and she hits her head on the floor. I lay on top of her for a minute, not thinking anything much has happened and then I start to feel the heat.. and then the pain from the gun shot. He shot me in the back. I can't believe this.. the bastard shot me.

I roll off of Evie while never taking my eyes off of her. She still hasn't opened her eyes but I can feel myself not being able to stay awake. I don't know a spell to help myself with a bullet wound, but I know a spell to help Evie with her injury and it will take all of the energy I have left. She is my life, carrying my child and I can't let anything bad happen to her.

I start saying my spell and nothing is happening. I concentrate harder and really focus on Evie and trying to make her eyes open. I can hear Ruben behind me mumbling something and then another shot goes off and my world goes black as well.

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