Author Chappie: 40+ Questions (2)

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Lets continue the talk!
*camera on*

Location: Cliff

26. Do you have bestfriend?
Me: *still in the blanket* Yes, I do!

27. Do you have bestfriend?
Me: I think I had answered this one, are ya okay Interviewer?

People: *grumpled* She's still alive...

Me: Yea! You cant murder me if those hosts are still around~~~ ٩(๑'3`๑)۶

28. Are you in love with your bestfriend?
Me: Mmm... I'm was a Yuri target, you know...

29. Believe in love at first sight?
Me: Why not? I often feel that!

30. Shoe size?
Me: Where is my shoe?

Hakuryuu: *face palm* Well, you had threw it down to the cliff

31. Last drink you drink?
Me: Water!

Taiyou: No, she drank cola with some extraction of orange juice!

32. Afraid of?
Both hosts: *waited for the answer*

Me: *evil laugh* NOPE!!

33. Do you like school?
Me: *sighed* I have no life in math

34. Fav comedian?
Me: ( ̄. ̄) *walked home*

Both hosts: *followed*

35. Have u met someone who changed ur life?
Me: Yea~~~ Many people did~~~

36. Time woke up this morning?
Me: *went to the kitchen* I'll prepare the dinner!

Taiyou: *shocked* NO!!

Hakuryuu: 06.30 AM, can you just go now?
37. What do u do at midnight?
Taiyou: (๑¯ω¯๑)

Hakuryuu: ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ *have a chat with Tsurugi*

Me: ⊙_⊙ Boys, this is my questions part..

38. Are u bored at this test?
Me: No, Interviewer~~

39. What are u listenin' right now?
Me: My phone nontification sounds, oh also Sick of It by Skillet!

40. Any life problem?
Me: *gone to the emo corner* GO MANAGERS SUMMER STRIKE still moving... I wanna end this messy book...

41. Say hello!
Me: Hi! Hey! Hai! Yo! Howdy! Banzai!!!

*camera off*

Sorry for my late update, minna-san!
By the way, Happy 30 days in Wattpad for Mad Author!

See ya next chappie! (♡˙︶˙♡)

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