Tara's Blog III: Midnight Kiss

447 21 20

Song: Crimson And Clover By Joan Jett and The Blackhearts

Now I don't hardly know her

But I think I could love her

Crimson and clover



Friday Night

A sliver of moonlight filtered through the windows, spilling into the shadows that surrounded me, it was a cloudless night and the sky was freckled with stars. Even though the light from the hall did not reach her, the silver-blue light of the moon shone through the windows, bathing her in the cool light of the night.

The wood fire, blazing in the ample fireplace, sent its warmth and light far out into the room, flashing red reflections in the curiously twisted bars of the brass bedstead. The dim lights blinked, casting a crepuscular glow within the room.

The sheets twisted around her lovely nude body, and much of her form was uncovered. My eyes raked over her form, and I could feel my own body becoming warmer in appreciation.

Her hair is a rich shade of onyx. It flowed in waves to adorn her glowing, mahogany-like skin. Her eyes were framed by long lashes fluttering against high cheekbones. A straight nose, and kissable full crimson lips- she seemed the picture of perfection.

I cursed the gods for making her skin so beautiful.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled sweetly at me. Her eyes sparkling like stars flaunted in the night sky and my entire world sighed with contentment.

"Eric Northman, this is the worst first date ever."

Her large dazzling doe eyes shimmered like opalescent lilies in the palace of celestial maidens. The girl was stunningly gorgeous, like a painting of a goddess brought to life.

"Then I shall make it up to you."

I am in awe of her. There was something different about Tara, something unproven inside of her, and I was intrigued by it.

"What happened to me tonight?"

She isn't anything like the women I'm accustomed to, her innocence was not feigned, nor was her appreciation.

"You were attacked by a demon, a very old and powerful one."

I made myself comfortable, extending out across the bed. I didn't know why I was so drawn to her, something about her called out to me.

"You mean to tell me the thing that attacked me was a demon?"

She sits up, modestly tucking the sheets securely under her arms.

"Yes, his name was Desmond Cataliades, I met him in 1972, in a mutual business endeavor...And tonight, I destroyed him."

"Thank you, Eric." Her smile is humble and sincere. "In the '70s..." her expression stirred in confusion, "but that would make you...you can't be...what are you, Eric?"

"I am a vampire."

"A vampire! She exclaimed knowingly. "So vampires and demons are real!" She nodded in self-conformation. It seems Tara had wisdom well beyond her years.

"Among other supernatural beings and entities," I answer in all honesty.

"Well, slap me silly and call me Susie; I knew it!" Tara breathed. "I thought you were 25 - 30 max... but now...how old are you?"

I prop myself up with my elbows, meeting her lovely gaze. "I am a thousand years old. I was born in what is now called Sweden, as a human, I was a Viking and at the age of 27 I was killed in battle and made a vampire."

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