Chapter 1

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Sollux darted down the hall, feet pounding on the ground. He had his books gripped tightly under his arm as he softly huffed.

First day of College and he's fucking late to his first class. Great perfect example.
Suddenly the ground came into view and it came closer. That's stra- He yelp as he hit the floor with a thump.

He got on his knees gathering his spewed papers and books. He was suddenly pushed back to ground by a foot. He groaned before slowly standing.

He was face with a pair of dark sunglasses and a stupid smirking face that just shot anger through him. "Did you fucking push me?" He growled out, narrowing his eyes. "Nerd." The male snickered before he trotted off to class. Oh god people are still doing that?

He groaned inwardly when he noticed the kid went into the class he was suppose to be in.

He slowly and quietly snuck into the room not to disrupt the lecture. He didn't quite listen as he search for a seat before spotting on in the back. The only problem was the he was sitting next it. He frantically looked around the large room for another open seat to no avail.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as he shuffled over to the seat.

"Hey hey hey. Looky what the cat dragged in."

Oh god the voics sent cringes down his back. He sat his books down probably harder than necessary. "Ooh looks like the nerd is pissy." He rolled his eyes.

He was about to sit down when he spotted a pair of red converse firmly in the place of himself. His eyes followed the black Jean clad legs up to the smirking face. "Like what you see?" His face flushed, his jaw tightening. "Move." He softly commanded. To his surprise Dave didn't complained just complied, slipping his feet from the chair.

Sollux plopped down, taking out a spiral notebook. He flipped it open to the first clear page and started to take notes as the teacher talked on and on and on.

It did take long for Sollux to doze, his head falling from his hand. His quickly caught himself before his face hit the table, his heart pounding.

He cleared his throat fixing his glasses. He whipped the drool away from his face looking around.

He quickly went back to his notes before he got even more stares. But instead of notes he doodled. Doodled whatever the hell popped into his head.

He slightly jumped when he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He groaned hitting his head knowing exactly who is was. The douche kid that still acts as if he were a freshman in highschool opposed to being a freshman in college.

"Dude how much longer do we have?" The other make kept his hand tightly on Sollux's shoulder until he quickly shoved it off as if it burnt. "I dunno and don't fucking touch me."

He heard the kid whilst with a grin. "Woo that's gotta be tough in the bedroom if ya know what I mean?" The kid gave out a chuckled. "I haven't done anything like that yet." Sollux grumbled. He couldn't believe he was admitting this to someone as this ass.

The laughing quickly stopped and the grin dropped from Mr. Shades. "Wait? Seriously?" He softly started to laugh again. "Dude we're in like college. How could not?"

That hit home hard.

Sollux shot a glare at him. If looks could kill. He quickly stood up grabbing his books. He stomped out of the room gaining weird looks. "Dude hey wait, I was only kidding. Look I'm so-" He heard the asshole fine and clear as he walked out of the room, the door slamming.

He walked down the hall a little ways before hearing the door slam again.

"Hey look I'm sorry."

That stupid voice sent a cring down his spin. "Go away." He growled back, angry. Suddenly he was turned around, that firm hand back on his shoulder. "Dude I'm sorry, okay?"

He yanked back shaking his head. "You're not in highschool anymore! So why act like it? So I haven't gotten it on with anyone. Big fucking deal!" He huffed before going on without thinking. "It was kinda hard being the only gay kid in my school. I got massive shit for it, are you happy!?" He groaned loudly.

"Wait. What did you say?" Sollux's eyebrows knitted close together. "I haven't gotten it on with anyone?" He questioned, letting what he said play through his head until- Oh god.

His stomach leaped and twisted as he brought a hand up to his mouth. "No no. I didn't say that." He shook his head as eyes grew wide.

He did what he did best. Turned on his heel and ran for it. He could hear the pounding of the other's feet behind him but he didn't care. He had to get away. And fast.

He soon saw his door. Quickly he unlocked it before slipping in. He slammed it pressing his back to it. His chest heaved sliding down it.

Little did he know the kid was noting down his door number before walking off.

A/n: Ahaha tell me how it is.

A Stupid College Romance. (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now