Plan C(hloe)

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"Hmm.. obviously Ladybug doesn't realize how much she really likes me. Maybe if I make her jealous she'll HAVE to admit her feelings to me!" Chat thought curiously to himself. He glanced over at Ladybug. She was almost finished with an interview.

"It's now or never Adrien," Chat thought. "And I'll 'confess' to the first girl I see."

"Chat Noir!" a piercing voice rang out through the air. He jumped suddenly and glanced over his shoulder at the figure approaching him. Oh no. It was Chloe Bourgeois.

She skipped up to him. "Hey! So like, I know we kinda stepped off on the wrong foot last time we met but I totally apologize! I should've never asked you to do my physics homework! That's Sabrina's job anyways, right?"

"Uhh," Chat mumbled, noticing that Ladybug was wrapping up her speech. He had to act fast.

"Chat, what are you doing?" Ladybug asked all of a sudden.

Chat jumped in shock. He mentally prepared himself before awkwardly wrapping his arms around Chloe. This was sure to make Ladybug jealous. He hoped.

"Ugh! What are you doing?!" Chloe hissed annoyingly. "You're wrinkling my jacket!"

Ladybug raced over and pulled Chat off. She growled. "What were you thinking?"

"Well, you see- OW!" Chat began to explain, but his head was smacked forward by Chloe.

"That's for ruining my new jacket! And BTW, I take back everything I said!" Chloe screeched before stomping away angrily.

"Geesh," Chat muttered, rubbing the back of his head.

"You really are special, huh?" Ladybug laughed.

"I'd say so. Not many guys would try to make their crush jealous in return for their love by hugging Chloe," Chat mumbled before quickly covering his mouth. Oops.

Ladybug widened her eyes. "What? You tried to make me jealous by hugging her?"

Chat nodded slowly before smirking. "Did it work?"

"No!" Ladybug exclaimed. "You know, if I wasn't such a good person, I probably would've smacked you upside the head too."

Chat's ears drooped in shame. "Well, that was a fail. I hugged Chloe for nothing."

Ladybug placed a hand on Chat's shoulder and smiled. "Hey. It was quite entertaining actually."

"I'm glad you think so," Chat nodded. "I'd do anything to see that smile."

Ladybug leaned in and briefly kissed Chat on the cheek. "You're one in a million, kitty cat," she whispered in his ear before running off.

Chat's heart fluttered and he blushed immensely. He placed a hand on the cheek Ladybug's lips had made contact with just seconds before. "Maybe it wasn't for nothing after all."

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