Cheating on You

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It was you and Jacob's anniversary he was taking you to disneyland you were so happy because you love disneyland and always want to go, you go and change into disneyland shirt and disneyland sweater, black pants and you converse nothing fancy.

Your mom drops you off at disneyland and wait for Jacob to come but he never showed and 2 hours has already passed you go to downtown disney, you go into the build a bear workshop and you see Jacob there with a girl giving her kisses and everything he never saw you.

You text him ' can't come sorry mom said no ' you call you best friend Rosie to come and you explain everything to her " are you serious I'm gonna beat his ass for cheating on you wait till I find him" you laugh " I'm fine lets go in the park " she has a pass and so do you.

You first go to Space Mountain you get off and see your picture and look at Rosie " it's perfect just like us " you both laugh then go on Splash Mountain. You and Rosie are soaked and it's cold you go to the golden horse shoe and you see Jacob there but he never see's you again, Rosie wants to punch him but you hold her back.

You go and order you look for Jacob but you never find him you try to tell yourself that he's no good but you can't you like him so much but you never tell Rosie, you food is ready and you watch the show and eat. You don't want to be here anymore so you tell your mom to come and pick you up.

The car ride seems long but you keep on wondering why Jacob cheated on you what did you do wrong, you get off the car and say good night to your mom and dad then run up stairs Rosie runs after you, she grabs you and hugs you.

She lets go and you run to the restroom and lock the door, you slide down not knowing what to do with yourself, you cry until there no more tears that can fall, you open the door and Rosie is there crying as well you hug her " I'm sorry i didn't know what to do" she smiles,

" you asshole, for making me cry " you laugh a little " want to watch a sad movie " she raises and eyebrow " i don't watch sad movie, lets watch white chicks "

You finish the movie and Rosie is knocked out and you fall asleep too. You wake up with a text from Jacob " morning lovely come to my house around 2:30 " you role your eyes and look at the time its 11:00 you groan and go take a shower you get out.

Rosie is still asleep and you wake her up " get up lazy ass " she groans " shut up i'm trying to get my beauty sleep " you laugh " what beauty " she finally gets up " shut up, have you looked in the mirror " you hit her " yes it glowed with beauty " she laughs.

" how are you doing " you role your eyes " he ask me to come over " she shakes her head " no... you are not going to go " you grab some clothes " yes I am " and close the door. You change into a adidas shirts, sweatpants, and white adidas shoes.

Its 2:15, Rosie left and you are heading to Jacob's house, you ring the door bell and he opens the door he hugs you feel awkward and you let go he looks at you weird " you couldn't come to disneyland why" you role you eyes " shut up " he cross his arms " why what did I do " she cross your arms.

" I know you were at disneyland with a girl " he pretends to be shocked " no, I was not I was waiting for you " you role you eyes " I saw you with that girl I waited 2 hours for you texted I went to downtown disney and saw you " he chuckles " that was my cousin " you shake your head.

" I'm stupid for even coming here were done " and walk out, then walk inside again " what did i do wrong " he looks at you " nothing it was all my fault will you forgive me " you shake your head " I can forgive you but we can't be together anymore " and walk out trying not to cry.

Jacob Sartorius ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz