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The weekend before the second semester of school the biggest party of the year. You are deciding whether or not to go. Its currently 7:30 pm and your best friend is trying to convince you to go. 

"PLEASE y/n lets go its going to be so fun and your parents are not home its so easy for you to leave" y/f/n. You give a look "are you stupid I am not that type of person" you continue watching your movie. 

She throws a pillow at you "you knows who's gonna be there" you cheeks begin to get red "who?" she has a cheeky smile "Jacob your crush you know". 

You try to hold back the smile "and so what there are probably going to be so many girls on him" she slumps back onto the bed "your just a chicken". You turn to look at her "what did you just say". 

She knowns not to call you a chicken "FINE THEN! lets go before I change my mind" y/f/n gets up and shakes you harshly "yes best friend yasssss" you laugh and get ready for the craziest night. 

You straighten your hair put on a white long sleeve shirt with no shoulders, red plaid pants, and black heals (you can use this outfit or make your own up ty). You apply a natural make up look. 

Once you finished it was 8:30 y/f/n was already and set to go. "y/n lets go no one will be they're when we get there" you walk down, she just stares at you. 

"What's wrong with you lets go" she pretends to cry " what do you mean, you look do good!" you smile "you know I try" and both laugh. 

You get to the party and its at a huge mansion. "Okay we're here seen it looks good now lets go home" you start to walk away. But your friend gets ahold of your arm "nope lets go inside". 

The inside of the house is a mess people dancing on each other, making out, playing beer games. You make eye contact with the one and only Jacob Sartorius, he does a funny move. 

You quickly look away and notice your friend is no longer beside you "what the hell" you look for her but someone grabs you by the arm and pulls you into a dark room. 

Oh hell no, you begin to look for the door in a pitch black room "why are you so afraid it just me" the person turn on the light and its Jacob "really just you" he looks hurt "really just me" he repeats. 

You laugh awkwardly "hehe you know like a thankfully you and not someone else that I don't know" he smiles "well thats good isn't it" you just nod, you just look at the floor.

"I've seen you around school before" he wants you to look at him but you don't give in "yea we have, we're in the same class . . . well it was nice talking to you I have to go now" you walk to the door but he steps in front of it. 

"Stay to talk to me" you laugh "about what we have nothing in common". His face gets serious, in one swift motion he flips you and now your pinned to the door with your faces closely together. 

"We have a lot in common I think" he whispers in your ear you try to hide your face but he turns your face toward him. He goes into kiss you but you turn your face and he kisses your cheek. 

He groans in annoyance "just give in you know you want me" at that moment everything crashed. You push him off of you "well sorry to say BUDDY but no I don't want you". 

You walk out of the room you bite your lip you did want him but his ego just messed everything up. You go and find your friend, the night continues and Jacob is always looking at you. 

The party was getting to musty for you, so you went outside to the pool area to sit down. After 2 minutes Jacob 'walks' out he's dragging his feet he begins to walk to you but straight towards the pool. 

You have a concerned look "Jacob don't be an idiot . . . Jacob" but he continues to walk "Jacob" you say louder, your heart begins to beat faster. He falls in . . . great. 

You run toward the pool luckily he's on the edge of the pool you run to him but his back is facing you. He's heavy as heck but you pull him out. "Jacob wake up, Jacob!" you put your ear next to his heart theres a beat. 

You check for a breath but nothing you say to yourself "come on y/n just do it" you get close and open his mouth then smash your lips with his. 

Jacob grabs your waist and flips you, he's on top of you. "I'm only cocky to the girls I like" you hit him softly "so I guess you like all the girls since you always cocky with them to" he shakes his head. 

"No if you have really ever noticed I only have eyes for one girl" you cross your arms "hmmm and who's that cause it not me" he smirks "its the girl that under me right now". 

You roll your eyes "yea-" he cuts you off and smashes his lips with yours. 

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