someone to hate..

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Chresanto August

Today was the day when Jacob gets to come over my house.I left my house and went to school and the boys were beating up Jacob I didnt stop it cause they'd start to think I like him or something.Even though they are all Bi and gay. I didnt help I just walked away like I aint see nothing."Ay you b-tches leave that boy alone" I heard someone say. I looked up and it was alex...UGHHH I CANT STAND HIM....he grabbed jacobs hand and helped him up and put his arm around jacobs neck..That made my blood boil I literally punched a hole in the wall. I just wanted to grabbed alex's neck and toss him in a wall.UGH I hate him...UGGHHHHH CANT STAND HIM...AHHH HATE HIS GUTS and Dont he date jaden..haha dumba-- I got a plan to get my prince back..

Jacob Perez

I was getting beat agian by craig and ray like usally but then I heard someone speak up telling them to stop."Ay you b-tches leave that boy alone" I heard someone say. He grabbed my arm and put it around his neck.I completely forgot about Chresanto."what's your name" I asked him."Alex" he spoke.'Oh Im-" ."I know your jacob" he'd he know my name.

Location; Chresanto's house

 my mom turned to and spoke before knocking on the door."Ok be nice" my mom said before knocking on the door.He answered "Hello Mrs. Perez" He said shaking my  mom's hand and letting us in.He was wearing a wife beater shirt.I sat at the table and he was sitting next to me and I could feel him staring at me I looked at him and he looked the other way."Chres if you want you can show jacob your room" His mother spoke."Come on" Chresanto said pulling me to his room.When we made it to his room we walked in and closed the door behide him.Okkk then.I dropped my phone so I bent down to pick it up.

Chresanto August

I walked Jacob in my room and closed the door behide me and he dropped is phone he bent down to pick it up. Ok chresanto today is the day if you find out if you like him or not.He sat on my bed and began to speak."so w-" I cut him by kissing him.  I had a warm feeling in my stomach. He hesitated at  first but then he gave in and kissed back. I licked his bottom lip asking for entraced and allowed, I started to climb on top of him. Jascob wrapped my his arms around my neck.I pulled away and looked at him. He didnt speak he just sat there shooked and shook his head and got up."I-i have to go." He spoke getting off my bed and leaving my room. I tired to stop him but he just kept walking. Damn what did I do wrong.

Jacob Perez 

After that kiss I didn't know what to do I just left and went home and talked to Taylor and told her what happened since she was at my house."Why'd you leave if you enjoyed the kiss?" she asked as I laid my head on her lap."I-i don't know it just happened so fast I panicked." I said looking at her. "well you have to tell him how you feel" she said playing with my curls."You know, what I think I am" I said."Ok well I got to go my bro is outside waiting for me" she said getting her jacket."Ok bye"."Bye prince"

1.Oh Jacob know he liked that kiss tho

2. why dosent Chres like Alex

3. Vote and comment..

4.Alex on the side

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