5: Hurt

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'Molly! Get up! You need to get to the Whomping Willow!' Hermione shook me awake.

I literally jumped out of bed and began to make my way out of the room.

'Good luck!' she said to me, looking worried.

'I'll be fine!' I tried to smile but I couldn't find the strength. She didn't look very convinced as I ran to the main door to meet Madam Pomfrey.

As usual, I sat down in one of the chairs in the Shrieking Shack and waited. As soon as I turned I sensed other wolves. They were near. I crashed through the boarded up door and followed the scent. I entered a forest and made my way to a clearing filled with wolves. A grey wolf, slightly smaller than me, looked up at me and then immediately bowed its head. The rest of the wolves followed suit.

I recognised them as my pack immediately.

I bounded through the woods and they all followed me. It was time to hunt. Branches scratched my body as I ran and the cold night air stung, even with all of the fur to keep me warm. I felt free and more alive than I ever had before. This was where I was meant to be, this was where I belonged.

After eating several unfortunate rabbits and having a few fights with some pack members who stepped out of line, I woke up as a human, lying in the clearing we had met in. It took me a second to comprehend what had happened, where I was. When I realised, a sick feeling rose in my throat.

'Molly?!' Jesse said in shock.

'Crap...' I replied, wincing as I sat up, 'McGonagall won't be happy...'

'Go back quickly! It's still early!' he replied.

'Believe me, they know I'm gone!' I sighed, 'I'd best go before I get in any more trouble...'

I limped out of the clearing and began to make my way back to the Shrieking Shack. I didn't dare think about what lay in store for me, what sort of trouble I would be in. I'd genuinely be lucky if I survived McGonagall's wrath, she wouldn't go easy on me.

'Molly! There you are!' a voice behind me exclaimed.

'Tonks...' I replied rather curtly. I wasn't very happy with the fact she didn't seem too bothered about Mundungus stealing Sirius's stuff.

'Come on! We have to get you back to the school. The teachers are extremely worried!' she told me, 'What happened?'

'I joined my pack,' I said simply.

'They're here?' Tonks looked shocked.

'Yes, they're here but they're not any danger to anyone!' I argued.

'How can you be so sure?' she asked.

'They transform well away from anyone! They were deep in the woods when they transformed, but because of our connection... I guess I sensed they were near, being the alpha,' I said.

Tonks sighed and shook her head.

'Let's just get back to the castle... Everyone is really worried and, just a warning, McGonagall is on a war path! Let's get you fixed up first, though!' Tonks said, signalling to the scratches covering my body.

'I'm fine, just want to get this over with...' I sighed and Tonks nodded in sympathy.

McGonagall was on a warpath. I was given detention, FOR SOMETHING I HAD NO CONTROL OVER, and that meant I had to help Snape get all of the equipment ready for classes for a whole week.

'What?!' I cried in anger, 'It's not my fault I got out! Maybe you should make it more secure, then it wouldn't have happened! I didn't exactly have any control over it!'

Hogwarts: A Snake in the Grass - BOOK 6 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now