family time

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Diamond Pov

I woke up the next morning, hopped in the shower and dressed quick and grabbed my weekend bag. Had a quick bowl of cereal and yogurt, then rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on makeup and brush my hair and put it into a high messy bun. I walked back to the livingroom, grabbed my purse and weekend bag and head out the door locking up and went to my car. Last night playing through my mind, just when I thought things going good, all this shit was coming at me full force. Chris was out of jail and it terrified me. What else could go wrong.

2 hours later

I pulled up to my parents San Diego home and grabbed my stuff. My mom came out and pulled me into a hug. Oh, my baby how are you, good to see you finally,"she said. Hey mom, missed you too, I hugged her back,"I said. My mom Elise was beautiful. She was 5'9 and slender and high cheek bones and flawless skin. She used to be a swimsuit model for sports illustrated and print ads in her day, but she gave that up to be a lawyer. That's how her and my dad met. He was photographer for the company and they fell in love and been together for 25 years, they were 22 when they had me.
But my mom still looks she can pass for 30 and she only 47. So how you been?"she asked as we walked in the house. Good, excited for the tour,"I said. I still can't believe it, my baby going on tour with michael jackson, oh, that man is sexy,"she exclaimed excited. Moooom, your married,"I said bashful. And, what, it's not like I'm cheating in your dad, jeez,"she laughed. Okay, don't let dad hear that,"I laughed. Yeah, yeah, so two years, wow that is a long time,"she exclaimed. Yeaj, but we have holidays off, so I'll be back for Christmas and new years,"I told her. I know, but wow, so many places you'll see and people to meet,"she said as we were in my room talking on my bed. Where is dad?" I asked her. He'll be back any minute, I sent him to the store,"she explained. Oh, I'm going to take a nap,"I told her. Okay honey,"she said and got up and kissed my cheek and left the room closing the door behind her. I fell back on the bed and went to sleep. I woke up three hours later and went to the livingroom to see my dad, Jonathan or John watching tv. Hey daddy,"I said. Hey pumpkin, How are you, how's getting ready for the tour going?"he asked. It's great, how's business at the studio,"I asked. Great, business is good,"John said. Oh!forgot, my dad is still a photographer and a good one at that, he does a lot of photoshoots for celebrities and he even takes photos during award season like the Oscar's and sag, golden globes, he has become a well known photographer in l.a, new York and Miami, he sometimes does fashion week in new York and has done family portraits for celebrity families has a studio in l.a. and new york. Yeah my parents are well off. So where is Oliver and sasha?"I asked. My brother and sister! Oliver is a grad student at uc Berkeley studying to be a doctor and sasha is studying to be a biologist at Stanford, yep my siblings where the brains in the family next to mom. I sometimes thought I was too stupid to be their sister and I wanted to make a living being backup dancer and hopefully a famous singer and actress one day.
They'll be here tomorrow,"John said. Okay, I'll help mom with dinner,"i said. Okay, sweety,"he said and went back to the tv. Hey mom, need help,"I said asked. Sure, you chop the onions and potatoes, making beef stew and cornbread tonight and apple pie and French Vanilla ice cream for dessert,"Elise said. Yummy,"I said excited.
I washed my hands at the sink and got to chopping the potatoes. I kept thinking about Chris and then michael, I was so frustrated with whole thing and I know I shouldn't because it's like I was michael girlfriend and Chris can't get to me, I was just being paranoid. Honey, you okay, your deep in thought and I don't need you chopping your finger off,"Elise said worried. I sighed. Well, there is a guy I like, but I'm getting mixed signals from him and I don't know if should go keep it professional or not and it would be awkward if it didn't work out,"i explained. Ooh, it's someone the tour, what's his name?"she asked.
I can tell her it's michael, not now. Make up a name,"I tbought. His name is...joey,"I told her. Really, D, Joey,"i thought scolding myself. Well, what is joey like,"Elise asked. Well, his really cute, funny, and he really dance and smart,"I told her. Ooh, he sounds like a catch,"she said.
Yeah, well he came to the party last night with another girl and I left because he liked me and we went on date and now I don't what to do, I thought everything went great,"I said sadly. Oh, honey, maybe she was a friend,"she said. She looked like a supermodel mom, and I just..i dont know, I over rationalized whole thing, now I'm really embarrassed and everyone is probably talking about why I took off suddenly last night,"I said sighing.
Honey, listen, if you like this man, show him what he is missing and let him know you don't have time for his games, you are beautiful and smart and deserve a good man, if he already starting to treat you wrong, then let him go and move on,"she said. Yeah, your right mom, thanks,"I said. Welcome,"she smiled at me. After dinner and watching tv, I went to get ready for bed, it was after 11:00pm and I was tired and laid in bed and starred at the ceiling. My mom is right, let michael know what he is missing, I can do that, I think! I turned over and fell into deep sleep dreaming about Michael.

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