Marcel's Secret

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Marcel Fan Fic :P

This one is just for fun! I may not update regularly because, like I said, just for fun (:

Thank you<3

~September 20th 2011~

I was the first to fourth period and sat in my lonesome. I was waiting for everyone to show up any time now, even the teacher wasn't here. Im beginning go get antsy and need someone to talk too!

Its my first day to a new school and no luck with making new friends. I talked to people, but didn't really like them. They were all preps. I may look cute and girly like a prep, but trust me, Im no way near to being a preppy bitch. At this point, the person who's always sick would be a good conversation.

I noticed a figure beside me in the corner of my eye. I looked over and met eyes with a boy. His eyes were beautiful. Like the color of a rain forest. Or the land of Oz in that old Wizard Of Oz movie. Either way, they were breath taking.

"Hello!" The short boy greeted himself to me. I lingered my eyes around the new, unfamiliar face and smiled. He was wearing brown glasses with white tape in the middle. He must have broken them to have tape wrapped around there.

"Are you new here?" He asked kindly taking another step toward me. I cleared my throat and fixated myself to set up in the chair. I nodded at him, observing his clothing. His hair was a brunette color, very short and nicely combed back. He was wearing a red and blue plaid shirt with black jeans. He also had black suspenders stretched up along his torso.

"Yes. I-I am." I answered shyly. He smirked and looked down at his shoes. I looked down at his shoes and boy is this kid is a complete nerd.

"Im Marcel Styles. You are?" He addressed himself. I hesitated to speak for a second but eventually did.

"Im Amber Skinner." I answered him nodding. He gave me a cheeky grin and set his binder at the desk beside me. He pulled the chair out and proceeded to sit down.

Is this kid sitting beside me?

I kept eyeing him as he sat down beside me. He set his arms on his desk and happily looked back over at me. I turned my head to the chalkboard as if I wasn't any paying attention to him.

"I knew you was looking at me." Marcel snickered. I let out a small chuckle and forced my legs under the table. I looked over at him with a pleasing smile.

"This is gonna be fun." I thought aloud. Whoops.

"What is?" He questioned me.

"Being in class with you." I answered honestly. He beamed down at his binder, examining it.

"Same." Marcel agreed. I nodded slowly, still keeping my eye on him.

"Your cute." I blurted out of the blue. His cheeks became a fiery red and he hid his face and giggled. I scooted my self the rest of the way in and leaned my elbows against the desk.

"Don't get your hopes up though." I added. He quickly dropped his cheeky smile and nodded, looking down. He was fidgeting with his pencil, bouncing it against the desk.

For a nerd, he had a nice beat to him.

"I wont ma'am." He said nodding nervously.

"Don't call me ma'am dude. I'm only fifteen." I scolded him. His smile grew back onto his face.

"Im fifteen as well." He mentioned. I dipped my head a little, eyeing his hands still banging the pencil against the desk.

"Are you a drummer or something?" I asked him. He stopped all movement and gasped at me. He began to shake his head.

"No, no. Never!" He answered quickly. I giggled and looked up at people walking into class.

"Don't freak out. I just asked a question." I assured him.

"Sorry. Im not used to talking t-to-"

"To girls? Yeah I kind of guessed." I continued for him.

"Not just girls, but pretty girls too." He added. I smiled brightly and looked at him.

"Your sweet." I complimented while squeezing his cheek. He swatted at my hands to get away from him while we giggled.

"Thanks." He smirked, his dimples indenting his cheeks. His dimples were really cute on him.

"Hey, do you want to have lunch with me today?" I asked him leaning toward him. His face grew with a wide smile.

"Yes! I would! Thank you so much for offering!" Marcel nodded excitedly. I grinned and chuckled a bit.

"Calm down Brainy smurf, it's just lunch, and you happened to be the first friend I made today." I told him. He cracked a small smile and went to his little sticky notes.

Where did those come from!?

"I-Im your friend? I don't get much friends. I only have one." He informed me. I nodded and leaned back into my chair.

"Its okay. Im your friend now! So now you have two!" I reassured him, smiling. He looked up over my shoulder as I heard noises coming from beside me. I looked over and see another new face in my view. It was some blonde chick with pink... Everything.

"Hello!" She chirped at me. She sat down and waved at me. I noticed her nails sparkled a bit. I looked at her nails and they had pink and silver rhinestones on them.

"What?" She sounded confused.

"Oh, nothing." I lied as I pulled a weak smile toward her.

I turned away from her and looked at the green chalkboard to avoid from any more conversation. I noticed her leaning to me. Possibly to whisper to me.

"Were you talking to that nerd?" She whispered in my ear. I furrowed my eyes at the chalk board and slowly looked at her.

"What if I was. Would that be a damn problem?" I sassed at her. She clicked her lips and bobbed her head to the side.

"It is hunny." She answered me quickly with attitude.

"Well he happens to be the best person I met today. So back off." I told her off with my hand held up. She scoffed.

"Fine, become lame. I was just trying to help you." She said standing up. She gathered her things back up into her hands and walked away. I watched her bounce her way through the class, taking a seat across the room. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Marcel.

"I-Im sorry." Marcel apologized to me. I looked at him confused and tilted my head.


"Ruining your chance to become-"

"A bitch?" I finished.

"No, popular." Marcel frowned. I took my index fingers and placed them on the edges of his lips and painted a smile on him.

"Don't be sorry. Im your friend now. I got your back." I guaranteed him. The smile I made on him quickly turned into a real, dimply smile.

"Thank you." He thanked me. I beamed at him happily and shook my head.

"No problem." I uttered. I looked up from Marcel and noticed a young man standing at the board. He looked around eighteen, maybe nineteen. My face became furrowed in confusion.

"I-Is that the teacher?" I asked pointing at the man standing at the chalk board. Marcel looked up from his doodling and looked at the guy.

"Yeah. He's only twenty-two. He's the youngest teacher in the school." He informed me with a sparkle in his eye. Marcel kept looking at the guy like he was some hero.

"You must look up to him. Don't you?" I wondered. His look then came onto me with a half smile.

"I do." Marcel confirmed.

"How'd you know that?" He added, questioning me with a weird look.

"You can tell a lot from a persons eyes." I announced. He went back to drawing god knows what into his sticky notes.

"There's one thing you'll never figure out." He mumbled. I furrowed my eyes at him and back up at the board.

There's one thing you'll never figure out.

This is how it all began.

Secret Identity // Punk Harry Styles (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora