Chapter 1- Marcel/Harry

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First chappie guyys :3

Could you give @AtTheMomentx a follow and read the fan fics? Thanks

Okay! ENJOY!


~Two years later: July 20th 2013~

-Marcel's POV-

"Hey Marcel!" Amber greeted me tapping on my shoulder. I dropped my plastic spoon on my lunch tray and closed my eyes. I slowly opened them to see Amber smirking above me. Right behind her was Dakota; the schools top jock.

I didn't like the sight of them together. It angered me on how he looked at her. He looks at her like shes just some girl who will pleasure him. Sometimes, its like he's undressing her with his eyes. I couldn't believe on how oblivious she was to it. Two years ago, she would've noticed this. She would of set him straight.

But since then, shes gotten prettier, thinner, way more girly and boy addicted.

I cant do anything about it though. About her liking him. Im Marcel, the nerd of the school. If I was myself, the real me. I could win her in a heart beat. She wouldn't think twice before leaving that douche.

"Hey Amber." I weakly smiled, glancing at Dakota.

"Sup nerd?" Dakota greeted rudely as well. I nodded and looked back at Amber.

"Is it okay if I go sit with Dakota today? Again? Please Marcel." Amber begged me. She looked behind her and she winked at Dakota. He shot a wink back at her as she turned back to me smiling.

God her smile is perfect.

"Again.." I sighed. I was beginning to grow tired of not having Amber around. Without Amber, its just Addison and I. I don't like Addison. She is so annoying. Don't get me wrong, shes a smart girl, but shes so talkative. Sometimes, I just want to yell at her to shut up.

"Please Marcel. Ill do anything. Ill go shopping with you, or Ill will hang out with you where ever you go after school. Please." She pleaded once more.

I don't want any of that. I simply want her to be mine.

"Fine. I'll stay with Addison." I assured her.

"Thanks Marci!" Amber Chirped. I rolled my eyes as she bounced away with Dakota. I eyed them until they sat and finally proceeded to eat.

"Hey Marcel! How are you? What are you eating?" Addison began asking as soon as she sat down. I jumped once again and sighed. I pushed my tray back and leaned back into my chair.

"Shut up please." I let slip from my mouth.

"Wow, someones in a grouchy mood." Allison stated rolling her eyes. I sighed and looked over at Amber and how she looked happily at her "friends." Their just using her.

What makes him so special? He's just a filthy pig. Im what Amber needs.

The rest of my lunch period, I listened to Addison ramble on about her day. I couldn't stop staring at Dakota and Amber.


"Marcel! Pay attention!" Mr. White yelled. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at him. The bell rang and I quickly stood up, in a hurry to leave. I shoved my pencil in the pocket of my book bag and began to make my way out.

"Styles. Stay." The teacher called me out. I stopped and crunched my eyes together, wrinkling my nose.

"Yes?" I wondered while I slowly turned around. He looked at me with his arms crossed.

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