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Elizabeth's POV

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Elizabeth's POV

After that emberrasing run I went no where I just ran and ran and ran until I reached the girls room and since I was the only one there I cried

"I wish he never heard my sorry" I said to my self

Meliodas POV

Am I deaf or she just whispered sorry I thought to my self over and over again

"Oi cap'n! Cap'n!" Ban shouted

"Wh--what!?!"I shouted

"I've been calling you for a while now" ban said

"Wow...this is The first time that I saw captain day dream "king suddenly said behind me

"Every people day dream king"I said


"Are you still bothered about your fight with Elizabeth?" Ban asked

"A little but she apologized I think she whispered sorry then ran away" I explained

"I think that you should say sorry too after all its your fault that the fight began" Ban said

"No its not really my fault"I said

"Really?" Ban argued

"Fine its my fault .....but I know that she wouldn't forgive me that easily" I sighed

"I know she would forgive you if you sang a song to her..maybe?" King said

"Maybe...😐hmmmm...yush let's give it a try!"I stood up and did a fist pump

"So here's it gonna be"

Elizabeth's POV

After crying my eyes out I decided to go to class then teacher merida arrived then she started her lecture I didn't see meliodas so its kinda OK teacher merida saw my frown and gave me a comforting smile it made me feel a little better after class I went home alone

"Oi Elizabeth can you do me a favour I left my book in the auditorium can you go Get it for me I still have cleaning duty"king asked

"Sure tell your sister eliane to remember the asssingment she can be forgetful at times"I said

"Sure"he replied

I walked to the auditorium when I opened the door I instantly saw meliodas in the middle of the auditorium

"Elizabeth I'm sorry"I was about to go but he held my hand

"Elizabeth pls forgive pls"

"I-i-cant sorry"

"Is it too late now to say sorry?~"he suddenly sang I turned back to see him with king playing the bass , ban playing the drums and Elaine playing the piano and home singing and playing the guitar

~cause I need second chance of forgiveness... Is it too late now to say sorry cause I'm missing more that just your body ooo is it too late now to say sorry cause I now that I let you down is it too late to say sorry now? I'll take every single piece of blame if you want to but you know that there is no innocent in this game for two I'll go I'll go and you go out and then spill the truth can we both and say the words of forgiveness yeah is it to late now to say sorry? Cause I'm missing more than your body is it too late now to say sorry cause I know that I just let you down is it to late to say sorry now? I'm sorry~he finished

"So will you forgive me?"he asked

"Of course!" I smiled

"Just promise me you won't do that again"

"Sure"he said


So how was it this is y apologize for not being able to update really fast 😋

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