Video games

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Meliodas POV

I surprisingly woke up early and just in time to stop Estarossa from leaving the house and cook breakfast for me. So I was in a pretty good mood today. Leaving the uneasy feeling of yesterday. In fact I was so early I had time to stop by Liz's house but unfortunately she was still asleep so I just continued to walk to school.

"Meliodas!" Someone called behind me I looked back and saw Elizabeth waving apparently she caught up and we walked to school together.

"So how are things with your new class?" I asked hoping to start a conversation. I don't know why I wanted to talk though.

"It's ok. I have I friend there, I want to introduce him to you later, I'm sure you'll be friends!" She said with a cheerful voice. I hope so.

"Welp, at least there's someone to keep you company while me and the sin aren't there!" I smiled. But this uneasy feeling came back. When we arrived at the entrance of the school the Sins were already there, talking to a guy with blue hair, he looked a little snobbish

"Good Morning!" I smiled then they all had surprised looks on their faces

"Wah!! Meliodas actually said GOOD with morning!" Diane said

"Saying good morning meant that something good happend to you, right?" Ban said with a grin on his face

"Umm...I don't know why is it such a big deal that he said good morning ." Elizabeth said..oh right she doesn't know

"You see Elizabeth I rarely say.. Good morning cause nothing good ever happens to me on morning or sometime when I say good morning something great happens on that day or it's just coincidence." I explained

"That pretty cool!" Said the guy with the blue hair who seemed annoying

"Oh I forgot to introduce you, this is James my childhood friend. He was the friend I was talking about earlier." Elizabeth said

"Nice to meet you James I'm Meliodas" I smiled

"Your voice sounds familiar haven't we met before?" James asked, now he was just getting on my nerves but I still acted cool

"I don't think so" then a lightbulb appeared on his head

" Then do you play video games?" He asked with eyes shining

"Yeah..on a normal basis."

"A normal basis..." King said with a depressing look on his face

"Why? What's wrong?" Elizabeth asked confused.

"It's just that...he can't call himself playing on a normal basis, if it meant playing 24/7." Ban explained

"That's right I Meliodas am a game addict! And playing 24/7 is on a normal basis if you are addicted." I said proud of myself

"Really!?!?" Said James with a very happy face

"Yeah...why?" I said

"I'm a game addict too!!" He smiled, finally someone I can relate too! I take back everything I ever said about him! This guy is great!

"So what's your favourite game?" He asked

"Hhmmm.... I's dungeon quest" I said it was a really hard choice then his face lit up even more!

"Mine too!!!! What's your user name?" He asked while his smiled never faded

"Dragonswrath." I said then his face became puzzled

"Could it be? Are your THE dragonswrath that cleared level 98 while battling an armoured boss singlehandedly!? And is the leader for the most powerful group in dungeon quest, called the commandments!?" He asked. How can this guy know so much?

"You found me.. But would you like to please keep it a secret." I asked

" Of course! In exchange teach me all of your techniques!" He smiled enthusiastically

"Very well." I said

"Well it looks like you found a new best friend. But don't forget about me.~" Ban grinned

"Hehe. Ofcourse I won't." Your my bro after all

"I think it's time we get in class." King said and started to walk along with Diane and Elizabeth. So we followed to. After the exciting morning the whole day was just the same old school day.

After class I when home early cause I had a game to catch that needs to be finished today. When I got home went strait for the PC and started to play it took 2 hours to finish but it was worth it. After I finished James messaged me through my character asking me questions like...what's your favourite skill?....What's the weakness of the boss on level 24?...what items is your sword made of? Eventually I answered all of those questions and when he wanted to ask more I invited him to play with me instead. He was a surprisingly a great player. It seems like I found a new friend. But that uneasy feeling never went away.

I'm back after a year!

I don't know why I wrote this the night before my exam

Hope you enjoyed!

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