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No ones pov..

"Lord Death, Lord Death" Stein shouted "yo" Lord Death said "there is a letter for u and it's form the celestial king" Stein said "what, read it out loud" Death says.

To Lord Death

I have good news for you my old friend. Lucy Heartfilia has said yes and is prepared for the marriage and tell your son too take good care of her she has just broken her heart and is trying to build it up again. She is 19 years old and is a maister, Weapon and Celestial mage she is very powerful. And when your son finds her  spirit key your son will become as powerful as she is Lucy has 13 weapons total pulse her silver weapons too. Lucy will come within a mouth and because she needs souls she will become P.E teacher and a student and do not worry she is a intelligent woman.  And please tell your son too be gentle with her she had a very bad past and if she brings any trouble I am sorry she needs a place too stay can Lucy live with Kid if that's ok. I hope too see u again old friend.

From your old friend King

Stein read "get Kid now!" Lord Death yells "on it" Stein said and rolled out in full speed.

Stein kicked the classroom door and rolled inn with his rolling chair then skewed his screw and looked at every one in the classroom "KID LORD DEATH WANTS U IN THE DEATH ROOM LIKE RIGHT NOW" Stein yelled. Then Kid got up from his sit and walked out "I wonder why Lord Death want Kid?" Maka said to Soul "let's go find out"Patty says "ok" everyone agrees and sneaks out of the classroom and followed Kid.

Kid walked inside the death room and his friends was on the door listing to their conversation. "Father is their something wrong?" Kid asked "No I have good news" Lord death said " what is it" Kid asked "YOUR GETTING MARRIED TOO LUCY HEARTFILIA " Lord Death yelled as he danced around.
"I am getting WHAT and Too WHO" Kid yelled and his friends were so shocked that their mouths were open then Black*star open door the walked to Kid "YOUR GETTING WHAT" he yelled "reaper chopp" Lord Death said as he hit Black*star "father can you explain this" Kid asked "okay, long time ago I used too be friends with the powerful Layla Heartfilia me and her were best friends one day she married Erin. Layla was a celestial mage and one day she had too open a gate to bring dragon slayers to their time and because she didn't have all the keys she became sick and because Erin didn't want her too die after finding out that she is pregnant.  So he gave her his last powers and he died and she had a beautiful baby girl called Lucy then again Layla had to close the gate and Lucy was 5 and Layla died. And she send one of spirits to a man called Jude and he took her inn and took the Heartfilia name too but Layla's last wish was for you too marry her daughter" lord Death says. "Fine show me how she looks like and when is she coming" Kid asks then Lord Death handed him a picture.

"She is coming within a mouth so be ready because she is gonna live with u" Lord Death said

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"She is coming within a mouth so be ready because she is gonna live with u" Lord Death said.

Kid's pov

This was a bit shocking but this can be interesting. I just did a bow and walked away with all of my friends "u are getting married huh" Soul said "yea here is the picture of her" I said and showed the picture and everyone had their mouths open "u are getting married too her" Black*star yelled " man your lucky do you even know she is" Soul says "no" I answer then Soul was about too say something before Liz and Patty pushed him away "she is thee Lucy Heartfilia model, mage, trainer , singer and writer. Her family used too be the richest family is the hole of Fiore and she is in guild called Fairy Tail she is a SSS-class mage Lucy was given the name the queen of the stars she also in a team called team Nastu. She is best friends with Erza also known as Tatania and Mirajane also known as the demon Mach-maker I tell u never get those two mad or u will be sent to a place worse than hell " Liz says and Patty nods as she was shaking with fear. Wow looks like my fiancé is a celebrity I say to my self and walk to my mansion and prepare the guest room which was next too mine. Then I eat dinner and went too bed.

After one mouth brought too u by Usa-chan (one mouth is one year in the celestial kingdom 0-0)

Lucy's pov~~~

I woke up in the morning and stood up from my bed. I looked around my room and see a lot of boxes everywhere "today's it" I say out loud then walk too the bathroom and striped of my clouts. Then took a nice long bath after I was done I put on a white shirt that said bad girl and with blue shorts. I let my blonde hair down that I had grown longer now it reached all the way too my butt then put on light makeup on then walked out the bathroom and took on my black high heel boots. Then went and eat breakfast. Then I walked out side too see everyone "child this is a good bye party " king said "thank u guys" I said then everyone gave me gifts I got 6 limiters from Capricorn and a whip that can change its elements from Virgo and a axe from Taurus, and last but not last a necklace from Aquarius. "Thank u minna" I said then I opened the gate too Death city "good bye guys" I said and waved bye then went though the portal.

Wow death city is sure interesting a sun that can laugh creepy. "Ding dong" I heard a clock tower sing oh my god I am going too be late for my P.E lesson that I am going to teach. Then I got a mini black box from my pocket and threw it on the ground and it transformed into a Ninja (a bike) it is black and red. I re-criped into a white shirt that said queen and black jeans with my black leather jacket. And my white  snickers then put on my helmet which was black. The thing with my ninja is that if I use my magic on it goes faster than lightning. Okay now time to go I say too myself then I start it and it runs.

Then I already was at the long long stairs. Then I use my magic and I reached the top in four seconds the I look though my helmet and see a lot of people everywhere then I put more magic in it. And I jump over all the people and everyone looks up and it runs through the halls. And in the way I see a man that looks like a professor then I jumped over him and when I was up in the air I saw him waving at me and did the same. Then I saw students in P.E clouts outside so I go to that direction. Then I went through the big door then I jumped up in the air and did a back flip without the bike and it transformed back too the black box. And I landed on the ground then took of my helmet and let my blonde hair down and everyone looked at me "hi I am your new P.E teacher Lucy Heartfilia " I yelled so everyone could hear "okay today we are going to start with showing me what u can do" I said with a smirk then took out Virgo and Aiera's key "open thee gate of maiden and lam red key" I say and puff Virgo and Aiera come out in their strongest form red key and they change their personality too Virgo is like her evil version and Aiers is like a Eraza and Mirajane together.

A few minutes latter

"It looks like the only ones who made their way throw was you guys what's your names" I said and asked then the boy with white hair and the girl with dirty blonde hair came "My name is Maka and this Soul" Maka said and I looked at the boy "yo" he said. Then a girl with dark brown hair came with a blue haired boy " my name is Tubaki nice to meet u" she said "MY NAmE IS BLACK*STAR THE BEST ASSISian in THE WORLD" Black*star yelled "Can u stop yelling Black*star" I said as a evil aura coming out of my and he ran behind the girl "yes miss Heartfilia " he said then I turned around and two girls with blonde hair one with short and one with long and their was a boy with black hair with tree white strips. "Hi am Patty I like giraffes" the girl with short blonde hair said "hi I am Liz Patty's sister" she said with a smile. Then I looked at the boy man he is tall "hi am Death Kid" he said with a smirk oh so he is my fiancé not bad looking I wondered why I never got a picture of him I thought too my self.

Then I walked over to Kid and tried too punch him. But he dogged then I tried to kick him but he got my leg "fast reflexes" I said and put down my leg "I'll take that as a complement sweetheart" he said with a smirk "ohh given me a nickname already that's so sweet of u"I say with a smirk "now people u have too do 100 push ups 90 sit ups NOW" I yell and they all start "u guys need too learn sometimes u have to fight alone because u can't be relaying on each other at all times. So u have to train and relay on your self for once" I said then looked at Kid who has no problem at all maybe he needs harder training "Kid I think u need harder training because this too easy for u" I said and he got up and smirked "give all u got princess" he said as he kissed my hand then I blushed a bit no one could see it but I swear that he saw it.

At the death mansion

Kid opened the door too his mansion I walked inn. Dark colors love it then Kid showed me all the rooms and he that my stuff is already in my room. When I walked in my room there was a queen sized bed and the walls were. Dark  blue I love this place more already. But how do I learn to love again why did even say yes I said too myself.

Hope enjoyed reading this.

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