Chapter V - Special Charm

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Detectives tracked down Vivek Ahmad, first year student at McIntyre college. He was interviewed for more than three hours about his connection with Mark Richmond. Ahmad, despite him constantly repeating how horrible the situation was did not seem affected by the information at all. Detectives who interviewed him added it was probably due to shock. No evidence can link the two persons.


"A-Are you sure?" I say. Mostly because I had decided before I left that I would go straight home afterwards. And so I left the front door of my apartment unlocked.
"We would be really grateful." Rob says. "We really have no room for Riley. We usually let guests sleep on the sofa but--" he looks over at the sofa where June's sleeping. "Sleeping beauty over here leaves us no option."
I want to tell them that I had left my front door unlocked back home, but, Riley looks like she is in so much pain and I haven't been able to say anything that could make the situation any better.
So I give in. "Is it okay with you, Riley?"
She nods and with that we slowly start heading out. We say our goodbyes to Rob who waves as we walk out and closes the door behind him.
I then realize that when I leave, everything will go back to normal. Rob and June will continue to be a normal married couple, he will be there for her. Every time I visit June it almost feels as if it's just me and her, and no one else matters to both of us. But once I leave, I know I'm nothing but just a fraction of her life. She makes me feel special and does the same with everyone else, constantly playing "Favorites" with everyone she meets.
But that is her special charm, she attracts people like a magnet and I am no exception.
Both me and Riley get in my car and she shows me the way. It's late at night, so it's too dark and quiet for comfort.
"Turn right on this street." She says showing me the way.
I squint my eyes trying to read the sign ahead of me. "Postmaster Street."
"Yeah... This is it." Riley says with lack of excitement, as if she is unhappy to be here.
I park on the driveway in front of the house. Then I turn to June-- I mean, Riley. "Are you sure it's okay if I stay over?"
She nods. "Actually..." A faint yet gentle smile appears on her face. "It means a lot." Then her smile disappears as she looks away.
"You know that if you need any help at all you can always tell me or June-- or even Rob, since he's the one who you texted."
"I know. Thanks." She forcefully smiles, still obviously not feeling well. "So are we going to stay in the car forever or what?" She jokes.
I chuckle to her observation and we get out of the car.
I stand outside of the house.
Outside the house.
My house.

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