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I turned, "My name is Kylo."

The boy, whose name is Danny, smiled, "Nice name, you like Kylo Ren?"

I shrugged, "Don't judge, never seen the Star Wars movies."

"Not even The Force Awakens?"

I shook my head, "Nope, not even the new one."

He pouted cutely, "You're no fun."

I smiled and walked to Bryan's room, I opened my suitcase and grabbed my drawstring Bring Me The a Horizon backpack. The backpack held my iPhone charger, wallet, and headphones. I grabbed my phone out of the bag and put the bag on my back. I went through my other suitcase, this one was much smaller but was filled with shoes. I took my socks off and grabbed a pair of Toms™ and slipped them on. I grabbed my glasses case and my sunglasses, which were also doubled as glasses. I walked out Kyle's friends, my friends, throwing a dildo around. I smiled, I've watched every single video and that dildo had made at least one appearance.

"Where ya going, Kylo?" Johnnie asked, noticing me heading towards the door.

I stopped and turned, "I'm going to get hair dye, why?"

"It's at least a hundred degrees out there, you going to wear pants?"

I looked down at my legs, "Oh, I thought it would've been warm out, I forgot that I was in LA."

I headed back to Bryan's room, again, and closed the door. I grabbed a pair of high waisted shorts, they were pretty short but my ass was not hanging out. I put my Toms™ back on and walked back out of the bedroom for the third time, I saluted them but Danny stood up.

"They, uh, told Paul and I how you look like Madison Beer, I'm going with you." He stated, before walking over and getting his shoes one.

Paul followed Danny's actions, naturally of course 'cause I knew these two were close. The others, including Johnnie, had decided to all get up and join me on my shopping trip. Well, Bryan had stated that they were going to be my little army of bodyguards. I gave them money and told them each what to buy for me, the feminine products were for Alex and Shannon. Johnnie would be in charge of eyeliner, Bryan would be getting me drinks (pop, energy drinks, etc.), Paul and Danny were vlogging it all. Jordan was being himself, and he was buying himself stuff. I heard him muttering about getting a dildo, one much bigger than the one Bryan had bought. Jeydon was getting me "Canadian" things, I don't think he knows I've been to Canada before. Kyle was out somewhere else, getting PE☮CE TE☮. We had all split up, Paully and Danny managed to keep up with us all.

"What you buying?" Danny asked, currently vlogging me.

I smiled and looked at him, "You know I'm buying hair dye, I literally told you before us and the gang decided to go shopping."

"What colour are you-"

I looked up and behind him, it was the lady that had stopped Bryan and Johnnie when we arrived at his house earlier this morning. I grabbed Danny's phone and stopped the recording, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into another isle. I gave Danny his phone back, he opened his mouth to speak but I covered his mouth.

"Don't speak." I whispered quietly, looking the eighteen year old dead in the eye.

He moved my hand, "Why?"

"I'll tell you why once I get the hair dye and we get the hell out of here." I said quietly, looking around for any signs of Crysta James.

I shuffled quickly towards the hair product isle, I grabbed all the hair dye I needed for my hair. Six boxes of bleach, three to get my whole head bleached and the other three to lighten the already pre-bleached hair to an almost white colour. Six boxes of other colours, well, they were more of jars than boxes. I got Cotton Candy Pink, Hot Pink, Shocking Blue, Blue Steel, Vampire Red, and Pillabox Red. I also grabbed an extra Cotton Candy Pink and Shocking Blue, I was going to dye Alex's hair. When the total came up, I looked towards Danny to see his reaction. I smiled and took my wallet out of my backpack, the total was $210.80

"Wow, that's a lot for hair dye." Danny stated, which caused me to grin.

"You should see how much I spend on band merch when the bands release new things, I'm usually the first person to buy five shirts." I said simply, receiving my change and bag of hair stuff.

"Where to next?"

I grinned at him, "Hot Topic, everyone is meeting us there."

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