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While the peeps were recording their video, I started on doing my hair. I had already put in one bottle of bleach in my hair, I had a shower cap on so that my hair wouldn't get ruined. My stomach growled, ugh, if I'm hungry that means I have to go the kitchen. But if I go to the kitchen, that means I may end up in the Truth or Dare video. I waited and rinsed my hair out, I took the hair dryer and dried my now blonde hair. I put my glasses back on and crept out of them bathroom, I tip toed to the kitchen and hid behind the counter. I found Robbie playing on his phone, he looked at me and smiled.

"You have blonde hair." He whispered, probably making sure that the group didn't know I had emerged from the bathroom.

I smiled at him, "I'm not done dying, well, bleaching my hair yet."

I scooted over to the fridge, I opened it as silently as possible and grabbed a Peace Tea, a salad, and some fruit (raspberries). I closed the fridge and scooted back next to Robbie, he raised an eyebrow at my choices. I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same, he seemed like a funny guy. I ate all the food, after shoving a few raspberries into Robbie's hand when he "accidentally" said he hadn't eaten that day. We sat there for an hour, quietly talking an what not.

"Kyle, Truth or Dare."


"Is Kylo related to, it seems like she is."

I peeked up from behind the counter, "Kyle, I swear to god if you fucking answer..."

He grinned, "We are blood related, but I'm not saying who we are to each other."

I rolled my eyes, "I hate you Kyle."

He looked at me and smiled innocently, "You know you love me."

I shrugged, "Sometimes, I'm going to bleach my hair again."

Robbie stood up fast, "I'll help, you missed a few places in the back."

Together, Robbie and I, went into the bathroom and kept the door opened so our friends wouldn't expect anything. I mean, I'm single but Robbie is Kyle's friend and I wouldn't get with one of Kyle's friend. I'd form a rather tight friendship with them, but that's about it. We bleached my hair and Robbie's hair, his hair was a few shades lighter than it originally was. Robbie used my phone to record a 360 degree video of my hair, he gave me my phone back when he was done and I reviewed the video to see where my hair need to be touched up. Touched up meaning where there were still spots of brown, it annoys me a lot that my hair still wasn't 100% blonde.

"I'm going let my hair be this blonde for a while, I need to get a certain shampoo and conditioner for chemically lightened hair." I said, putting the unopened bleach boxes back into the bag.

He smiled at me, "Okay, Zelda."

I gave him a look, "Shut it, Link."

He laughed, "Let's go."

I left the bag in the bathroom and walked out, my foot touched something rubbery and my first instinct was to scream. And scream I did, I jumped back and Robbie caught me. I looked to see it was an electric blue dildo, I picked it up and walked over to Jordan. They were still recording the video, I shrugged and began to whack Jordan wherever with the dildo.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL!!" He exclaimed, trying to swat away the rubber dick in my hand.

"This is what you get for leaving you dildo lying around!" I yelled, while hitting him upon his head.

Jordan went to answer but he started laughing, I stopped hitting him and I sat next to him. I kept saying pass when they asked me truth or dare, I knew they were going to ask me to do something extremely ridiculous if I chose dare. I kept quiet, laughed often and gave a few dares out.

"Kylo, truth or dare?"

I opened my mouth but Shannon cut me off, "No saying pass, you have to do one this time."

I huffed, "Fine, I pick dare."

Shannon smiled, "I dare you to...KISS..."

"WHO DO I KISS!" I yelled, seriously who was I going to kiss?

She grinned, "I dare you to kiss...hmm, this is hard."

"HA, I don't have to ki-"


I frowned and looked at Danny, he was confused too. I looked at him, I mouthed the words, I'm going to stage kiss you. I cupped his face and pretended to kiss him, until Paul and Shannon pulled my arms away so that I was actually kissing him. I hid my face behind my hair, I could feel my cheeks heat up. I peeked at Danny through my hair, his cheeks were red and he was looking at me.

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