Worst Day Ever!!!

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Abigail's pov
As I was walking into the rehearsal studio you wouldn't believe what I saw. There Erick was standing, kissing an ugly blonde girl. The image of them kissing each other disgusted me so much I decided to interrupt. "Um, I'm standing right here."
Erick quickly turned around and said, "Abigail, it's not what you think!". "It's exactly what I think", and with those words I walked away from them, not looking back. I went into the lunch room since I hadn't eaten breakfast. I grabbed a bagel with cream cheese and a coffee with extra milk, just the way I liked it. As I was eating I just couldn't get the nasty image of Erick and that blond girl kissing. I kept on thinking and thinking about the kiss, but my thoughts were interrupted by Zabdiel.
"Hey, it's time for the dancers to practice their routine." "Okay, I'll be right there."
I quickly through out my garbage and headed over to the dance area. A few hours passed, and I kept on thinking about Erick. I think Ricky noticed it too because of my bad dance movements and poor expressions. He kept on screaming at me to do right over and over again, but I just couldn't.
"Abigail, I think it's best if you go home and take a break. Get your thoughts straight and then you can come back here and show me what a real dancer is like."
I felt so hurt by his words, so I obeyed and grabbed my dance bag and ran out.
I honestly don't have a clue but as soon as I got outside I started bawling my eyes out. This past week has been awful enough, I don't think that I needed to be screamed at by Ricky.
I continued to cry until I heard footsteps come up behind me. I turned around to see Joel. I embraced him in a hug, and he said "It's ok, you just have a lot on your mind, I think it's best if I drive you home and you can pick up your car. I then replied with a simple ok. He drove me home and was about to say goodbye when I said "Can you please stay with me?"
"Sure, why not."
He followed me upstairs to my bedroom. I was way too tried to even turn on the tv, so I just laid down on my bed. Surely enough Joel did the same. I decided to lay my head in his chest. I could smell the sweet smell of cologne and after shave. His skin was as soft as baby and his hugs were even nicer.
I didn't have to think about all that as I went to sleep with butterflies in my stomach. Drifting into dream land with Joel  by my side.

Sorry that this chapter was so short. I hope you liked and I will try to update as soon as possible😛😛😛😙

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