Akame ga Kill

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From~ @--Anime_is_Life--
To~Tatsumi and the crew!
Dose Tatsumi Really like the gay dude? (Bulat Is tha Gay dude in this situation)


Bulat> "Gay dude?! *Light blush* He'll get the wrong Idea."


Tatsumi>".......Of course brother-sama is awesome! He's so strong!"


Bulat> "......*blush redding*


Mine> "Oh shut up with the both of you........BULTA Your suppose to be dead!!"


Tatsumi> "No! brother should stay here."


Mine> "whatever.....I have no time to deal with you idoits." *leaves the room.


Daja-Chan> "Umm.....Tatsumi I think she meant do you like Bulat as in sexually....you know like like." *Big smile, raised eyebrow*


Tatsumi> ".....O well I mean I've never thought of brother-senpai like that...... but I wouldn't mind him and me in a s-sexual situation......." *Tomato Face*


Bulat> "Really!?!" *small nose bleed*


Tatsumi> "Yeah.....really.....*Smiles*....."


Bulat> "....I can't hold back anymore...."
*picks Tatsumi up over his shoulder with one arm and walks towards his room*


Tatsumi> "W-wait!!......What are w.....we gonna do?!?" *panics abit*


Bulat> "Me....You....bed......s-ex"
*holding his nose trying to stop nose bleed*


Tatsumi> "O........o-okay." *Embarrassed, lays head down shyly*


Bulat> *Takes in room ans closes and locks door*


Creaking of bed and noises of acouple things crashing, but all under ths sound of Bulat and both Tatsumi's loud Groans and Moans.


Daja-chan> "That e-escalated quickly" *covering major nose bleed, dripping through fingers*

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