part 8

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Its early morning at 5 'o clock nandini wake up searching beside her he not their she start searching....

Nandini pov

I was searching him bathroom and i search all house was my heart is beating very high i shouted his name loudly because he will come to me and i go to room call him but his phone was switched off.... I was very tensed and i thinking he may be went outside for some work and he will come soon i decided to freshen up and go to bathroom i take a quick bath and dressed up but manik was still not came and once again called him agaim switched off and i was thinking what happened to him he is alright or not and my eyes already tears and i go to take a our photo frame and i see a letter...i understand that he did something and take a letter start reading it..

Manik letter...
I am sorry nandini i know you are so much worrying about me and trust me i will be safe and i am going to mumbai plz try to understand fab5 needs me i also know that you want to come with me but i cant to be selfish for risking your career i also know that you dont give value of it but i do and you do many sacrifices for me try to understand me you also do samething you are same suitation like me and dont worry after completion of your work you will join me only one day plz and you know that how much i love you and all the best take .....

I read this letter i tore letter and throw it i sat down crying silently after 10 min of crying first word of my mouth is how dare he left me like this and i am not going to leave him for this and what he think that i am going to australia (i laugh sarascatically)know i going mumbai right now i decided it and i take a luggage in hand going to downstairs open the main door their i saw a manager of manik now i am very angry i shout at him what are doing here

End of pov

Manager:mam i am here for seeing formalities of sending australia mam (said nervously)

N:no i am not going now i am going mumbai now (again shouted)

Manager:no mam sir give strict instructions to me send you australia

N:what you think that i am going to listen you (shouted loudly)

Manager:mam your passport are with me (said gulping salavia)

N:what i dare you and you are ordering me

Manager:no mam sir only give your passport and sir give the letter to me give you

N:i snatch it and i glare him he go outside standing near car i see that letter it is a pink letter ahh i going to kill him i this suitation also he love tease me like seriously.. I open letter started reading...

2nd letter...

Love i know you are angry at me and try to kill me and i also know that now you try to come mumbai (i stunned how exactly he know me)and haa dont shock i am manik malhotra and your one and only boyfriend (ayyaipa this monster never changed i said to myself started reading)stop complaing your ayyaipa and plz go early your before flight move on and it i promise on manan means our love i hope you obey it love you...

Now i cant do anything i go to mumbai means he will hurt... I dont have a any option now i decided to go australia i step out of house and give servants to leave and lock the door and go to car manager smile at me i angrily glare him he immediately stop smiling at me he opened door to me i sat car and i was seeing manager what was doing still he quickly take his mobile told something and hung up i was angrily glare him..

Man:mam just one min

N:what now

Nan pov

Then someone came and wish me i confused and i see them both clarityz then i understand that they are bodyguards i was about shout them immediately manager came and give to another pink note i take it than manager went and those bodyguards are following me at another car than opened the letter start reading...

3rd letter...

This time i not pleasing you this is my order that bodyguards will come with australia and last mumbai also till you reach at me and dont dare to stop them and i am doing because i dont with you of control of your fans and dont think of much i love you...

n:possessive monster he never change and i am going to teach you a lesson (with a smirk)
Nan pov
I go to airport and manager give a passport and that bodyguards also travel with me ahh we enter the flight and seated after sometime of thinking and i see the bodyguards both are observing me and remaining passengers and i slept....
pov end

At mumbai 10:30am...

Mukti and alya are waiting at some music company and they are sponsers of fab5

al:what will happened now we still have 30 mins

Mu:no nothing happened to fab5

someone came loudly claping both turn at look him give a disgusted look

Al:bhai what are you doing here

Mu:what else alya this jerk have a no work

Ha:hai mukti babes(moves close to her)

Someone came and grab him and stand like pillar of mukti

ha:oh cool aryamaan

Ar:stay away from her (shouted)

Ha:its interested means you and mukti

Al:shut up bhai and leave us

Ha:no baby sis means i came here saw so called fab5  i think that time is over and yeah after this sealing plz come to my place their is a party (evily smirk)

In your dreams bloody jerk someone shouted seeing that person alya and mukti hug him tightly sobbed and that person hug them tight


alya:you came

Mu:plz do something

Al:save fab5

Ma:nothing happened believe me

Ha:oh what a entry bro

they broke the hug went near him

ma:i am hero my entry also in my style(with attitude)

ha:so much attitude and i like it now i eagerly waiting loosers face

Ma:i already say stop dreaming and guys we need to go this dog have no work

They went sent a sign papers and sponsers give a two day time for playing music in fab5 style and they strictly told song must be fab5 old songs ...

Precap:dhrvu and varun face off (alya boss)and nandini modeling ,nandini and dhrvu face off

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