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I had gotten sick, on the day I promised I would take her out. She was furious mostly because I didn't talk to her all day or tell her that I was sick. She came to visit me and started to take care of me. But she did not hide the fact that she was pretty pissed about it.

"Why do you have all of your sneakers on the floor?"

"I was....honestly I don't know."

She sat on the bed and felt my forehead. "It's kind of warm so I'm thinking you might have a fever."

"It's just kind of warm? My skin is on fire."

"Yeah well that's a fever. Ugh I hate you for being sick."

"Yeah I hate me too right about now." I said sarcastically even though she didn't quite catch up on that.

"You should." I immediately thought about taking the joke back it was no longer funny to me. She sat on the edge of the bed and turned on a television. "Well I'll go make you some herbal tea and some soup."

"Your forcing me to watch animal planet."

"It's an interesting show besides this is your punishment for not taking care of your health and for being sloppy and getting sick."

I coughed, "Oh baby come on what can I do to make it better."

She came back to the door, "You could be healthy and make love to me."

"How about we put ice all over my body?"

"I'll be back don't get out from under the covers you've got to sweat it out."

I mumbled, "You just want me to be sweaty."

"Sure do." She said laughing as she went to the kitchen. It was at that moment that I actually liked being sick. I liked messing with her I liked knowing that she wanted me as much as I wanted her. I loved having her there to make a shitty time not so shitty.

"Hey, I've got your tea and soup." She came into the room me shirtless and in a pair of shorts with water in my hair. She pulled back onto the bed. Stuffed me under the covers and set the hot tea and soup in front of me. She gave me the look and I immediately took a sip of the soup.

"Mm good."

"Niall you have to sweat it out, so don't get up again."

"What would happen if I just so happened to get up."

"You might be taller than me but I will tackle you." She couldn't hold back her smile which made us both laugh a little.

Instead of fighting with her I turned the channel to an interesting movie. I hadn't a clue what it was called or who was in it. I just changed the channel something caught my attention it became interesting and we just never turned. Instead Tori climbed into bed beside me. Then she and I made the mistake of sharing my soup.

That's how she got sick not even a day later. But after I took care of her while she was sick I made it up to her by taking her out for that serious date we initially planned to do.

She was well in her sweat pants and her t shirt. She was upset because she was having her time of the month and didn't want me to see her like that yet.

"Niall I feel like shit. I look like-"

"Shit yes...I know but shit looks good on you."

She rolled her eyes while smiling, I took her hand and waked her into the ice cream shop. Before taking her here I went searching online for that ice cream flavor she loved so much. And found it in a rinky dink shop.

She laughed as soon as we reached the building, "Oh my gosh, Niall are you sure our relationship is ready for this?"

I reached for the door, "I think so."

She held onto me as we stood at the counter ordering our ice cream. We took a seat at one of the tables and she simply smiled at me.


I raised a brow, "What?"


"Okay." I muttered unsure. I reclined in my seat as she licked her lips. She bit down on her lips before reclining, herself.

"I was weirded out by you when we first met. Actually I was weirded out on a whole new extreme. I thought you would hack me up and put me in the trunk."

"What the hell Tor."

"It's true, not many guys hit on me at the super market."

"A lot of guys do it."


She laughed, "For what it's worth I like you a lot. I'm glad we met even if it was in the store."

We sat in silence and I thought it over. I was really thinking hard on the matter. If she thought I was crazy that's probably why she chose---

"You chose to meet at your job so in case I was crazy--"

She laughed grabbing onto my arm stopping me mid sentence, "Okay okay okay I watch a lot of Law & Order. And Cops. And the news." She laughed more and snorted at the end which only made me laugh. We were both laughing. She pointed and laughed harder, "Look at you, your red!"

And in that moment my laughing slowed and I realized that this girl. This girl that I met in line at a super market was probably the love of my life.

"Why are you staring Niall quit it?"

"Don't be insecure now. You've figured out my plan. I don't see any point in pretending anymore."

She stopped smiling and looked around, "What?"

I laughed, "I'm joking, babe."

"Shit Niall you made me fucking bleed."

"You were already doing that babe." She slapped at my arm smiling.


Still nothing. Nothing on my wife and child. I am waiting for news on my wife and child. Because she was in an accident. She was hit by a car. She was on her way home. We were on the phone, I heard everything. How--Why did this happen. Where is the doctor and where is my wife.

I see her. The lady that I spoke to before. The lady that asked me questions. The one who went off with my wife. I need to see her, my wife. I need to know something. I reach out and call for her. Still feeling foreign in my own body.

"Hey, hey, excuse me Doc."

"I'm sorry...."

"What?" I ask feeling my eyes begin to burn.

"No no no, I'm no longer on the case sir. She is still being treated. I'm sure someone will be here speaking to you soon. I think you should consider calling family. Someone to help support you at this time."

"You say that as if you know she's dead."

"Sir I--I'm sorry but I don't know. I'm just an intern. She is with some of the best doctors this hospital offers." She offered an insincere smile and walked away.

I stand there feeling something weighing heavy on my chest. I pull out my phone preparing to make the call.

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