Chapter 12 Evie

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   I paced back and forth. Where could he have put the piece of Eden? Surely he wouldn't keep it close. I whipped around when the door opened. Henry stomped inside. I'd never seen him annoyed before, which was amazing considering what he had to put up with every day that Jacob was around. Behind him was Jacob and a red assassin that I didn't recognize.

   Jacob stopped at my side and leaned over. "I think I know how you feel now," he said quietly. He nodded to the red assassin and leaned against a wall.

   I raised an eyebrow at him and studied the red assassin. There were four gold ropes hanging over his right arm at the shoulder. His hood was down revealing bright green eyes, black hair, and ears that were slightly pointed. He looked like Archer, if Archer had black hair and pointed ears. He also had a spear strapped to his back that was almost as long as he was tall.

   "Who's this?" I asked Henry.

   Henry didn't answer but the assassin did. "I'm Moleck. I assume that you're Evie?" he walked passed us and leaned against the wall a few feet away from Jacob.

   "Yes," I decided that there were more important things that needed to be done and turned to Henry. "Now that we've gotten the grappling hook distraction taken care of-"

   I was interrupted when Jacob pushed himself off the wall and took a couple of steps away. "Who is that?" he said suspiciously.

   Henry and I both turned. Henry frowned as he looked at the person that Jacob had indicated.

   Jacob looked at the two of us incredulously. "You mean... you don't know?"

   Henry shot Jacob an annoyed look and stepped toward the person as they looked around at everything. "Beautiful train you've got here," they said cheerfully. "Miss Macbean was just telling me all about it." They held out a hand to Henry to shake. "The name's Ned."

   Henry hesitantly took Ned's hand and smiled slightly. "How do you do."

   "I won't take up more of your time. If you want to know more about the finest transit systems in the world," Ned dug a card out of his pocket and handed it to me. "You can find me at that address."

   I took the card and stared at it for a moment before putting it into my own pocket. I wasn't sure what to make of this 'Ned'. They seemed rather odd, and a little too eager to help. Ned waved, adjusted his hat, and walked out of the car. I wondered what he was going to do since the train was moving.

   I shook off the feeling that something was about to go very wrong. "Let us return to finding the Piece of Eden," I suggested.

   Jacob must have decided that he was going to be annoying again. "We need to reclaim London from Starrick. Who are my targets?" he sounded frustrated as he said that, stretching his arms to either side for emphasis.

   My patience completely disappeared. "It's not time for that yet!"

   "I didn't come to London to hunt... curios!" Jacob objected. 

   "'First understand the dance, only then become the dancer.'"

   "Oooooohhhh," Jacob glared at me. "So you're picking up right where father left off?"

   Henry hung something on the wall behind Jacob and stepped back to watch things unfold. His quiet gaze made me falter slightly.

   I shifted my gaze back to Jacob. "Someone has to."

   Jacob was about to say something more, but Henry held up a hand. "Evie, finding the artifact will tell us some of what the Templars are plotting. Jacob, I have some information about Starrick's associates that should be of use to you." His brown eyes drilled into us. They seemed to be saying 'stop arguing please'. "Here." Henry pointed to the wall behind Jacob.

   Jacob shot me one last infuriated glare before turning to the wall and studying it carefully. I debated staying around, but decided not to. I walked passed Moleck, who was still leaning against the wall watching everything, and went into the next car.

   This was the one that Jacob called the 'Evie Car' because I had completely taken over. I pulled the card that Ned had given me out of my pocket and tacked it to the wall, next to information about our other associates. I sighed and sat down on the couch. Jacob's such an idiot!

   "You're just now noticing that?"

   I jumped and looked up to see Moleck standing in the doorway. He smiled. "Mind if I come in?"

   "Sure," my eyes drifted to the window as Moleck sat down on the floor.

   "Have you seen Archer?" he asked.

   I shook my head. "Not since this morning, no. Why do you ask?"

   Moleck shook his head. "No reason. Just asking." He had an odd accent that I couldn't place. It was the same as Archer's.

   "Are there going to be any more surprise visiters?" I asked. 

   Moleck frowned. "Hmmm," the anchor pendent that rested on the front of his robes glowed slightly. The glow stopped and Moleck shook his head. "Not unless Tanya changes her mind."

   I suddenly realized that this was probably the same Moleck that Arno had mentioned and that he was probably talking about the same Tanya that Arno had mentioned. I sighed again and looked out the window once more.

   My stomach grumbled. "Are you hungry?"

   Moleck's eyes lit up. "By Talos! Yes I'm starving!"



This question was asked by Impendingambervice for Archer:
Is Arno your brother? Cause I think you're lying! XD

Archer: *laughs* You would make a great assassin! You truly believe in 'Nothing is true'. *pauses* Moleck said to stop dodging. Much as we consider ourselves as brothers, I'm sorry to say that no, we aren't. Arno is a good friend, and I trust him with my life, but he's not my brother.

See you all in the next chapter! I may or may not have time to write tomorrow. For now, over and out! May the wind blow strong in your sails.


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