Chapter 21 ~ Testing boundaries

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"If it is once again one against forty-eight, then I am very sorry for the forty-eight."

- Margaret Thatcher

[River's POV]

"You know I think I actually turned gray while you were gone." Gabriel said, bringing up the fact that we had left them waiting for too long, for the hundredth time since we returned. I was sick of his whining and I contemplated telling him to just 'shut the hell up'.

"You know I really don't care huh?" I answered in an annoyed voice and I could see Midas sending me a disapproving glance.

Well who the fuck cared about what he thought anyway!? I didn't get him at all. He acted like he had the right to order me around and we hadn't even known each other for more than what... two days? I mean even Gabriel wasn't allowed to decide what I could and couldn't do.

I shifted my gaze to Midas where he was walking beside me and I took the time to study him thoroughly. He was handsome... and I could have betted money he had had various lovers and partners in the past. Well... he could even have one now for all I knew.

We hadn't really told each other much about ourselves because this wasn't an ordinary relationship we had. We weren't friends, or lovers, or related. We didn't know if the other had any family and we didn't know where the other grew up or even which season the other liked the most. You know ordinary things that you couldn't help but know if you even had the tiniest relation with another person.

What did I know about Midas?

I knew he had to work as a Hit-man or a Fixer, I knew that he was amazingly good at close combat and knife-play. I knew the house he had been living in blew up and that he got wounded. I knew what he looked like... and... that was about it...

"Hey Midas? Which of the seasons do you like the best?" I asked, tilting my head to the side as I watched him shifting his eyes on me. His eyes were truly remarkable. The mix between red and orange went well together with the rest of his face and the slight brush of violet completed the appealing look perfectly. He looked dangerous and forbidden and there was nothing more alluring than that.

Good God I sounded like a love-struck girl didn't I...? How disgusting.

"I don't really have a favorite." He said while he raised an eyebrow in my direction. He looked curious but I wasn't about to tell him that I had just been thinking that we didn't know enough about each other.

"You... don't really have a favorite...?" I said in astonishment as I turned my head completely in his direction. Was he serious?

"That's right, I like them all..." He confirmed and I quickly slapped him on his arm. Midas looked at me in surprise and I gave him a stern look.

"You can't just not have a favorite. Everybody has a favorite! Tell me, which one is it? Huh which is it? Tell me!" I said with an impatient frown. I could feel Midas study me like I was crazy and well... maybe I was?

"Uhm... but I don't know." He finally said and I narrowed my eyes in irritation.

"How can you not know? That doesn't make any sense! Everybody knows which their favorite season is! Are you saying you don't want to share it with me?" I said pointing accusingly at his shocked face.

"No... I just... ahh fine! I guess I like the autumn." River finally said while he tugged a hand through his hair in a frustrated manner. I hid my smile as I turned my eyes forward again. We had almost reached the Lamborghini and I threw a glance over my shoulder to watch the church disappear behind us.

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