Chapter 3

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I managed to get through all my classes today which is good. I really like this new school and I already met some amazing people.

As I get on the bus I notice Mark is on my bus. I sat with him and he kind of seemed surprised.

Marks pov

Nadia is super hot and nice. Like damnnnn I'd tap dat. I was surprised she was on my bus and sat with me on the way home.

Oh hey Nadia! I exclaim happily.

Hi Mark! How are you? I didn't know I was on your bus! She said.

I'm well thanks! I didn't know that either! I guess we live somewhat near each other then! I said with a big smile plastered on my face.

Yeah actually my stops coming up soon she said looking out the window.

Well before its your stop here's my number so you can text me I said then I put my number in her contacts.

Thanks she said and she walked off the bus moments later... And Jacob walked off too.

I was kind of jealous Jacob lived right beside Nadia. Oh my god what am I thinking I just met her today, do I already have feelings for her?

Nadia's pov

I get home and walk into the house to the smell of a nice candle. Of course my mom already lit a candle she's obsessed with them.

Mom I'm home! I hollered. She said, I'm in the laundry room doing laundry! Dinner will be in an hour!

Okay thanks, I shouted then ran downstairs to my bedroom.

I remembered that I told Brooke and Abbey I would text them everyday so I decided to text Brooke first.

Me: Hey Brooke what are you up to? I miss you so much already!!! Some good news is I have a hot neighbour! Ou la la 😍

She responded within a few minutes.

Brookie bae 😍: omg I miss you so much I don't know how I'm gonna live! I have to go to volleyball practice right now but tell me the deets l8ter!

I was surprised to see a text from Abbey already, it said.

Abbey 🤗: Hey girl! How's your new life over there? My parents are fighting as usual ugh. Well I better go now ttyl!

I texted Abbey back and gave her some advice for her parents. They always fought I feel bad for her she doesn't deserve it.

I got into some comfy shorts that I usually sleep in and a sweatshirt that said my old school on it from back home. I took off my makeup put my hair in a bun and did my homework. I didn't get much and it was easy.

My mom called me down for dinner it was mashed potatoes with gravy, peas corn and some chicken yum. 😍 I ate it all then went back to my room.

I had nothing to do so I decided to text Mark. He responded after 15 minutes.

Mark 🙈: Hey! What are you up to? Do you wanna come over? It's a 5 minute walk!

wow my first day in Virginia and already pickin up. Jk jk 😂 I agreed and I thought I should put some better clothes on. Oh whatever I don't care.

He told me his address and I walked over. He opened the door and we did our greetings and I walked into his house. It was so nice and cozy almost like home.

Sorry I didn't wear anything nice I said.

Don't worry about it! Is that your old school on your sweater he asked.

Yep it sure is! I miss it a lot but I've made so many friends here already I said with a smile.

He laughed and we decided to watch a movie. We watched a scary movie my favourite. At some points it was a little scary so I snuggled up to Mark. He was so warm and I felt a connection.

Marks pov:

I think I've developed feelings for Nadia and I met her today. Oops? She's so cute! We also both posted a picture on Instagram and said with the best 💗 as the caption.

The movie ended it was 8:00. Nadia fell asleep on my shoulder probably because she was tired from her day at school and her move.

I decided to carry her home because her parents are probably wondering where she was and I didn't want to wake her up.

I met her parents and explained what happened and they let me down to her bedroom to put her in her bed. I looked around at her room. It was quite big but she hasn't unpacked a lot of her stuff yet. I could help her with that on the weekend if she wanted me to. I think I found myself another date night. :)

I put her in her bed and put the covers over her. I kissed her forehead and whispered goodnight.

I was walking out of her house when the door on the other half of the duplex swung open. It was Jacob and he looked pissed.

The trip that changed my life // Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now