03. Where am I!?

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Patsy and Briina got sucked into the transportor. Where they are, who knows! But one thing is for certain: The transportor worked, maybe a little too well..!

{A Grassy Area}

Patsy laid unconscious in a field full of happy flowers. She slowly woke up and took in her surroundings. Exhausted, she flopped back down on her back.

Her everything hurted like crazy; she could barely see anything because of the blazing sun and her headache.

Patsy didn't know where she was; the last thing she remembered was searching for her contact lenses, trying to fix up the transportor, trying to save Briina...

Patsy: *GASP* Briina! Omg...! *frantically scanning her surroundings* Briina... Briina...!

Briina was nowhere to be found. Just her and the happy flowers, or so she thought...

??: Hey.... HEY!

Patsy: (!?) *turns around*

??: Hey, are you okay? You hit the ground pretty hard. Yep... came crashing right out of the sky! Well, not literally... but high enough to look like it hurted..! O_O

Patsy looked at the figure that stood before her. What... what the heck was she!? Or he... OR IT... The thing that was talking to her had a large dotted dome, mostly white with red dots. It had long, chocolate brown wavy hair, a cute Latino complexion, it was really stubby in height, but it was really cute in a weird way, unlike it's voice, which was really high and squeaky--

??: HEY..! You didn't answer me! ARE YOU OKAY? CAN YOU HEAR ME? *gasp* Maybe you can't..! Oh no. OH NO. It can't be... the fall... it... IT TOOK YOUR HEARING! WAHHH..!

Patsy: -.- (what)

??: ..... *cries hysterically*

Patsy: Hey now... the fall didn't take my hearing, I can hear just fine.

??: R-Really? What a relief! Whew! Boy, did you have me worried. :) Say, are you from around here?

Patsy: No, I'm not from around here at all! My name is Patsy, and I came from the Acorn Kingdom. I had a friend with me, but she doesn't seem to be here and-


The strange and alarming sound made the two jump from fright. They quickly spun around to see dark clouds swirling around a pretty pink castle in the distance.

Patsy: (!?!) What was that!?

??: 0.0 It was the Witch's Hex. It's starting back again!

Patsy: (Witch's Hex..?) Huh?

??: The Witch's Hex. It's a storm that comes and goes, and lighting strikes everything and anything that moves! It's awful, really awful, truly AWFUL. It makes everything dark and sad and Gloomy and just wahhhhh! ;_;


Patsy and the Latino Toad's attention spun to the castle in the distance, which was getting pummeled by lightning. Frantic yells and screams were heard in the distance. Patsy's immediately thought of Briina.

Patsy: ...my friend; she might be down there! *goes in the direction of the storm*

??: (WTH!! 0_0) Y-You can't go down there! It's too dangerous! You could get STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Lighting is bad. Lighting is DEATH from the SKY!

Patsy: *ignores her anyway* *keeps walking*

??: Waaah! She just left for the Witch's Hex anyway. *looks around* I'm all alone. What do I do? What do I do? *looks around vigorously* ..... I DON'T WANNA BE LEFT ALONE! *runs after Patsy*


??: My name is Alexxi Luck, btw! But my friends call me Luck! Sorry for not introducing myself earlier, heh heh...

Luck and Patsy walked with purpose to the Witch's Hex. By the time they reached the castle door, the storm was calm. The dark grey clouds made it dark and cold, but it was calm.

As soon as the duo walked through the castle doors they heard the wail of a clearly distressed individual.

Distressed individual: Princess! Oh, PRINCESSSSS!


It's been such a while. You guys probably want to chase me down for leaving you on this cliffhanger for so long. X) Sowiieeee about that...

I kinda lost my motivation for Wattpad, but now it's back! I feel like writing and reading my heart out! >:)

Buuuut, there's one problem with that.

I just got into college, and I'm busier than I thought I would be! But that doesn't mean I won't update. I always think of my unfinished works, they are always on my mind, and I fully intend on finishing all of them! I just need time....

Thank you so much for waiting for me and being patient!


Hey guys. This just a reupload from when I was writing this thing. This is actually my favorite book out of all the books I have written on here. Thank you guys for reading my books. It means a lot to me.


See you in the next chappie,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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