How would you feel?

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Staring into his eyes, I am paralyzed. I don't know whether I should be happy about the fact that I'm leaving this pack, or that my mate is an alpha.

The strange, handsome man takes me by my hand to a room, his guest room I believe so. But before we can even get up the steps I have to interfere.

"I'm not supposed to go up there", it was a slight whisper, but I'm sure he heard me.

"Who says?", he growls is a very menacing way.

"My pack sir", they never let me up there, if I were caught I'd probably be dead. Stuck in my thoughts I don't see him walk off fast. Thinking that he got tired off me, I start to walk back down the steps.

"Where are you going?", he whips around when he realizes that I am not following him.

I look down not meeting his eyes "I'm sure the pack has something for me to do"

He nods in a understanding manner, "I never did get your name"

"My name is Vida", I scramble for words.

"Well that is a beautiful name", he says in a loving way.

"And yours?", I say just above a whisper.

"Marcus....Marcus Edwards", he boast proudly.

"That's a lovely name, but I'm afraid I must get going"

"Well it was a pleasure talking to you, I hope to see you soon.", he says as he continues up the stairs.

I don't reply to him, I don't really know how to reply to compliments.

As I make my way into the kitchen one of the pack kids come rushing past along with their parent chasing after them. I smile and bow, but do nothing more. I am afraid that if I do more the Alpha won't be so happy with me.

I walk over to the sink to wash some spare dishes the pack must have used for some snacks. Humming I hear a pair of high heels enter into the kitchen.

"Vida is it?", a sickeningly sweet voice rings through my ears.

I turn around and look at the ground,"yes...that is me", I say in a slight whisper.

"Can you please stay off of my man, I'd appreciate it", she chuckles.

Like the very last tick of a clock before it strikes 12, something in me went off.

¨How fucking dare you sit there and try to call my mate yours!?¨

I cannot remember what happened next, just the feeling off my knuckles coming in contact with her cake face made a rush go through my body.

Coming back to my sense a voice that I have just came to know rings through my ears,¨What the hell is going on?¨, my mates voice booms through the room.

¨Oh thank gosh you are here, babe she was hurting me¨, the slut says as she walks up to him putting her arm around his arm. He quickly shakes her off and walks up to me.

¨Are you alright?¨, he asks

¨I am fine¨, I say.

I can't believe that I just go into a fight, and won.

Of course all of the pack comes up to the hoe to see if she's okay and ignore me. But what I wasn't expecting was for all of the people that came from Marcus's pack to come up and ask if I am okay.

"Why are you all doing this?", I blurt out.

"Because you are our future luna", someone says.

Then it hits me, I am going to be a luna.

"Marcus can I speak to you?", I whisper.

"sure", he says with a questioning look.

"I can't go back with you", I mumble, but somehow he still caught it.

"What do you mean", he questions, "have I done something wrong?"

"No it's not that you have done something wrong it's just that I can't be a luna"

He chuckles, but then gets a very serious face, bipolar much.

"I have waited so long for you, I am not letting you get away that easily"

"But it is for the best if I not go"

"You are going, end of discussion, after my pack is done doing business we will head back to my pack", he demands as he starts to walk away from me.

"I don't even know anything about the pack", I shout back at him. He stops for a brief second and shouts back.

"Then looks like we will have to meet up and talk", and he countinue walking leaving me there dumbfounded.

Looks like I am going to run a pack now.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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