Jealousy Part 1

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Last time on Make It Pop Caleb tries to apologize to Jodi but she is not sure to forgive him and that she'll think about it . Jodi cries and goes to the stairs and Darmala shows up and comforts her and tries to kiss her! Jodi pushes him softly and leave and goes under the tall tree and guess who shows up Caleb! He shows up and they make up which makes Jaleb fans happy and even me. Corlex is a thing, Slinci is strong and also Jaleb. Jaleb walks outside of the building and walk near the lake. They see Heather and she kisses Caleb in front of Jodi which makes her run away from him and it makes her cry. What will happen between Jaleb and will someone come back? stay tuned to know what happens and enjoy this chapter of me writing with tired eyes and pain lol.

Since Jodi had runned away from Caleb and Heather she went to a place probably no one will find out where she is. Caleb was trying to catch up but stopped because he ran out of breath. He walked away and spot Heather and ooooooooooo smack talk lol so he went up to her and it will be weird i guess.

Caleb: Heather

Heather: Heather is not here tries to cover her face

Caleb: i can see you and why would you kiss me again why?!?!?!??!!!

Heather: It's cuz i thought we were still trying to make her jealous

Caleb: no

Heather: look im sorry but-

Caleb: please Heather just stop just leave us alone

And with that Caleb left which made Heather pretty upset. Back to Jodi okay so Jodi, Caleb is still trying to find her, everyone knows what happen to them but they cant find her. It's has been 3 DAYS THAT SHE'S MISSING OH NO! Everyone is worried they dont know if she's safe or alive everyone is freaking out!

Darmala's Pov

I heard what happen between Jodi and Caleb. What a jerk wow i guess they are finally done guess it's my time to get her heart now. I went in my room and spilled some orange juice on my floor dang it! It's fine ill just get some supplies from the basement and i'll clean it up. Once i was heading up to the basement i heard a soft crying and i know who it is. I open it and see Jodi crying i feel so bad for Jodi i decided to give her a hug.

Darmala: oh Jodi are you okay

Jodi: does it look like im okay

Darmala: oh im sorry Jodi

Jodi: it's fine

Darmala felt bad and gave her a hug. He brushed off her hair out of her face. She looked up at him and smiled. Okay this part im evil i admitted it you can even say it lol. Darmala looked at Jodi and smiled. Darmala told Jodi that he will take her back to her room and she agreed to go back. So they walked back and when they did they see Corki, Sun hi and Caleb. The girls ran up to Jodi seeing her tear stained face they look at Caleb and then Jodi staring at each other. They found it awkward Caleb tired to go up to Jodi to hug her but she backed away from him. Caleb backed away seeing her heartbroken and her arms around her it's kind of like crossing your arms. Once her arms were like crossing like hugging herself Darmala put his arms around her arms like hugging and Jodi found it weird so she looked at the ground and felt awkward. Caleb got jealous a little and felt bad.

Darmala: umm hey Jodi do you want to grab some food at the market and go to the park?

Jodi: umm sure

Sun Hi: no wait! isnt that like a date?!?!?!?!

Darmala: wait ah no it just like friends

Jodi: yeah im going to go take a shower i'll see you guys later

So when Jodi went to the bathroom Darmala was still waiting for Jodi to get ready while Caleb was making beats mostly for Jodi. Caleb is going to find a way to get his girl back. They heard a knock on the door and saw................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Jared! Caleb's jaw open and so did Darmala they ran up to give him a welcome hug. And Jared decided to surprise Jodi. Once Jodi came out of course she looks amazing she was wearing shorts a white crop top and of course a bennie and also some sandals. Outside was like 95 degrees outside. Darmala and Caleb's mouth drop but Jodi didnt see since she was getting her phone and her bag. When she saw Jared she ran up to him and gave him a welcome hug.

Jodi: Jared what are you doing her?

Jared: oh well i have come to visit and where is Corki?

Jodi: oh she's with Alex

Jared: oh okay i'll go and surprise her

All but Jared: okay bye

Awkward part they just stand there and Caleb and Darmala look at Jodi cuz 1 she's pretty 2 they like her and 3 they cant keep their eyes off of her. Darmala finally says something which made them look at him and poor Caleb he's all lonely i feel bad lol.

Darmala: i guess we should go

Jodi: oh yeah we should go

They walk out and Caleb is all sad he cant believe she went with him he goes back into working on beats and Jaleb cant stop thinking about each other. Jodi and Darmala went into the market and got some snacks and got frozen yorgurt and headed to they park. They talked about random things and then all of the sudden Caleb. They went back and headed to their rooms, Caleb was at the bathroom showering. Jodi got her clothes and headed into the girls room and slept over with them and had a girls night out. Jared came and knocked on the door and wanted to talk to Corki while Sun hi and Jodi were watching a movie.

Corki: look Jared im so happy that you came but there is something i have to tell you

Jared: okay so what is it

Corki: me and Alex are dating

Jared: thats good i was going to say im going back to China with your father and work for him

Corki: thats great so i guess i'll see you later

Jared: ya okay bye

Jare walks away and Corki felt bad but there is one thing Jared is hiding he is going to get his girl back no matter what oh snap! The girls continue their fun and then had their beauty sleep. The next day they see Heather with Caleb and they see Jodi sad. Everyone is happy except Jodi and Caleb they are so sad that they cant even have fun. But not for long the crew except Jodi, Caleb and Darmala are going to bring back Jaleb.

oh snap! looks like someone is going to play matchmaker again in till they get Jaleb back. lol so i hope you guys enjoy this chapter i might update Make It Pop today im just tired like i have a lot of things to do so ya i hope you enjoyed this chapter and have an amazing day you wonderful people and i'll see you guys next time bye guys love makeitpopfanlover

*feel free to call me evil i know you guys will call me evil*

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