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My vocie fails me while I'm trying to sing to you.

To bad we can't turn back time to when we last said goodbye.

Holding such a soft hand.

Dense reality... couldn't have become more than a dream.

Losing colors that make up me.

Just floating in space.

Can we really think of the time in the future, when the past is creeping up and photobombing this picture.

Whatever, so here we go making up stories.

Hoping that just mabye our fairytale may come true.

But in the end it's really all up to you.

Words they come more and more pilling up and they won't stop and so I want to scream them out.
☆~☆~☆~ ☆~☆~☆~ ☆~☆~☆~ ☆~
July 18, 2015 I recently had a odd thought. I keep thinking a friend of mine isn't real. As if they would be someone I would forget. I don't know how to explain it. It's like I'm rejecting their existence. Is so weird and sounds cruel. Very odd indeed.

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