Inbetween the lines(larry stylinson)

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Hiiiii, this is the first time i have ever put any of my work out there for everyone to read, so please be nice. I worked really hard on this. I apologize for any misspellings or such.

So i wrote this with the intentions of capturing what a person might feel if they were to hide their love for someone, which is what its said to be like in Harry and Louis' relationship. Yess, i do ship larry, with all my being. This is written in Harrys point of view, and it is a sort of letter. Throughout the letter i left it so that the reader would find out slowly the purpose of the letter. So you can say its a mystery. I also left out louis name, just because. Its rather short, since its a letter but i hope you enjoy, and feel free to comment what you think !

Inbetween the lines(larry stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now