& I'm always tired, but never of you

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Winter break was a desolate time for her, she was away from her friends and forced to be with her close family and elder members of the business her father ran. Everyone was looking to her to be the best and to do what was best for everyone else.

For three weeks she had tried to call Naruto, she'd even stopped by his swim practice, only to watch him deliberately jump out of the pool and flee from her. Finally after trying to see him for so long he texted her.

'leave me alone.'

The last three words she had ever expected to read from him. After that she didn't try to contact him at all. Something had happened, maybe she had been too clingy with him or too pushy with his studies. She hated herself for becoming so attached to someone. They weren't even dating and she was acting like a distraught mess.

She spent the next to last evening before Christmas answering questions.

" When are you going to get married?"

"Will he take your name?"

"When will you be attending the big university?"

"How many children will you have?"

"Your father said you were going to do-"

"Your father said you wanted to- "

"Your father... your father.."

With every question and answer that had 'yourfather' in it, her stomach turned. She was beginning to feel, again, that feeling of helplessness. She wasn't in charge of her own future.

" You're so quiet tonight dear, are you feeling alright? " Hinako looked over to her daughter and spoke quietly. Hinata smiled and shook her head.

Everyone was sitting at the dining room table, people were getting up and sitting down as wanted.

" What's his name? " Hinata's mother smiled slightly and reached over to her daughter, whispering.

Hinata's body practically jumped out of her chair as she listened to her mother speak. Her entire body began to turn red.

" It's okay," Hinako winked at her daughter. " I won't tell your father."

Hinata bowed her head in embarrassment and Hanabi began to laugh at her.

" Hinata, I spoke to the recruiter and they were floored with your performance. They would love to have you apply and consider using a musical scholarship, "

Hiashi's deep voice silenced many others at the table, Hinata didn't speak, she simply nodded.

" Oohh, you're going to have to leave lover boy behind! " Hanabi whispered to Hinata, and Hinata turned to her sister. Glaring as hard as she could while trying not to pass out from air loss.

" A boy, huh.. I took care of that already.. Hinata you don't need any underachieving boys trying to come after you. No, you should be focusing on school and getting an education, marriage can wait."

Hiashi spoke and Hanabi immediately bowed her head, looking over to her sister and mouthing

' y'

She and Hinata had spoke a little about Naruto and she was upset she let it slip out.

Hiashi got off the subject of Hinata and began to talk about what was to come in the spring when their business picked up again.

Hinata quietly interrupted him.

" Took care of it, already.." Hinata repeated the words he had said nearly ten minutes ago, finally working up enough courage.

Hiashi tried to quiet his daughter of Hinata insisted again.

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