Chapter One

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"No Mark. We have to complete our mission!"
"So isn't it the original! Pewdiepie or shall I say Felix!"
Felix turned around. The Antis were surrondon get them.
"Stay the fuck away!"
Anti-Pewds was holding a bag that was crying?
"What's in the bag?" Mark asked.
"Nothing important."
They attacked.
Felix threw his dagger at the bag that sliced open.
A baby came falling out crying.
"You stole a kid?!"
"No we found him! His parents hated him! They beat him everyday! So why not take him." Anti Pewds said.
"Give him to me!"
Felix attacked Anti Pewds.
He hit Anti-Pewds belt full of explosives.
Everything went flying.
-3 min later-
Felix and Mark woke up to a baby crying. They stood up and followed the noise.
There sat a crying baby boy.
Felix got closer. The baby looked at Felix and smiled.
"Mommy!" Felix picked up the boy.
"Oh shit." Felix smacked Mark in the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?!"
"Don't curse in front of him!"
"Geez sorry." Mark said while rubbing the back of his head.
"We have to go before the Antis come back!"
"Let's go!"
-time Skip-
-Felix/Pewds POV-
We finally reached camp. The kid was quiet the whole way.
We walked into cry's tent. "Hey Fel-"
"No time for talking! The Antis! Attacked! Found kid!"
"Ok set him down." I put the crying baby on the table.
Cry set a finger on his forehead. He does this to see what memories people has left.
"Ahh interesting. You guys were the first people he saw. His brain made him think that your his mom. Since his actual mom abused him."
Blood drained from my body.
"But I know nothing about being a mom! Can't someone else have him?!"
"Yeah but it will be a hard transition for the little guy. I will give him a check up. And come back tomorrow if you wish to take him in." I nodded. I was about to walk out but the baby started crying even louder every step I took.
I left to my house. They crying kid stayed in mind.
Should I take him in? I can't leave him!

I laid in bed. Soon darkness consumed me.
I quickly put on my blue shirt and jeans. I got a phone call today from Cry. Apparently the kid was crying the whole night. And no one could calm him down.
I'm taking this kid in. I can't live with that burden that I never gave that kid a family. It would just haunt me.
I walked to Cry's Place. When I got there all I could hear was crying and I'm outside!
Cry opened the door. Bags were under his eyes. He looked exhausted.
"Over here."
He led me to a different room where the kid was crying on a mountain of blankets.
"He's all yours." I picked up the kid. Immediately he stopped crying. He looked at me and giggled. He's so cute.
On the way to my house he fell asleep. Wait he needs a name. I know Cry told me on the phone that he found out his name is Sean. I looked up names on my phone. "I'm going to name you Jack. Even though your real name is Sean. Because your cruel parents gave you that one."
When I got to my house I made him a bed of blankets. I texted Mark to get a crib. He's giving me his brothers crib. When Mark got here we set the crib up.
"So you actually got the kid huh."
"Yeah. I felt bad and I want this kid to have a family that actually love him."
"Yeah. I heard. He was abused by his parents."
"It's sad."
"I know. Who would do that to a kid so young."
"I don't know but we can't change the past but we can change the future."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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