Tooth Pick Babe

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Chapter 3
//curly's POV//

As soon as I woke up from my not so long slumber I rushed to get dressed. I was going to show him! I am pretty I don't need him or his "buddy."
I grabbed my phone to look at the text he had sent last night.
Mack- His name is Mack ;)
Ugh! He had some nerve! To tell me that I have potential to be pretty, and then ask to be my valentine. No! He would have to try better than that. I grabbed my school bag and headed downstairs to grab an orange then went on my way to school.

After the bus ride that lasted way longer than normal but only because I kept rethinking about what Mack asked me. I mean he is hot..NO! No way he is a player that's just asking to get hurt.
When I got to school Mack was leaned against the pole seperating the two school entrance doors, running his fingers through his hair chewing on a tooth pick. Sigh He's so hot.

"Um.Hey Mack.." I said awkwardly. When he noticed me he smiled and looked up into my eyes as I blushed.
"Hey curly ready to go to class?" he asked as he held his arm out I guess that means im supposed to link arms. I link arms with him slowly thinking about if I should or not and then start to walk. We get so many stares from people. Oh god! The hate I'm going to get from this and Kenya..the shït she will start.
Mack leaned down near my ear and tightened his arm around mine and whispered a simple word that changed my life, a word that as soon as it left his lips I knew my life would change. "Mine."

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