In which it is unclearly clear

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Chapter 4


Curlys pov//

It's been a month since valentines day. Mack and I hangout all the time after school sometimes even before school if I get up early enough.

He comes over to my house everyother friday for family game night with my mom, which we never did until my mom met him.

To be honest, I think she just does it so she can see him more and it grosses me out. She told us that he reminds her someone she knew from highschool which is disgusting. I don't want my boyfriend to remind my mom of her old toy from highschool.

Well, I mentally sighed I dont know what we are. We are more than friends and I am his as he is mine. But where does that leave us hanging? Everything is unclearly clear, maybe I'm just overthinking it.

I was snapped out of my thinking when a hand started rubbing my back. When I looked up I saw him standing there looking down at me with a smile plastered on his face. My Mack. God, was he perfect from his crooked smile to how he played with his gauges when he got shy or nervous.

"Goodmorning princess. How'd you sleep last night?" Mack asked me.

I blushed for a second, all these nicknames lately they are really getting to me. In a good way of course.

I smiled up at him since my small and petite structure was nowhere near his height and replied with, " pretty good, how about you?"

Before he could even open up his mouth the bell rang telling me we had one minute to get to class, he kissed my forehead said goodbye then we parted our ways.

Just before I turned the corner I looked back to where we were standing thinking about how everything has changed. And then, I noticed something on the ground where we were it probably fell out of his backpack.

I'll just give it to him later.

As I ran over to pick it up that tardy bell rang as I mentaly cursed at myself. Greeeaat! Just fan flippin tastic way to start my day. I picked it up and put it in my back pocket without looking to see what it was because of the rush I was in. I ran to my class and luckily my teacher didn't notice me sneak in. I took a seat in the far right corner by the hallway window and noticed something awkward in my backpocket.

It felt weird sitting on it so i took it out and gasped when I saw what it was, causing a few heads to turn my way. It was a pacifier. There's no way this is his maybe someone elses?

Panic suddenly arose inside me. What if thats why he didnt want me at his house. Because he had a baby and I'm actually just a side hòe. I really doubt that one, but since my mom raised me to be honest and upfront I pulled out my phone and texting him to confront him about it.

Curly: hey something fell out of ur bag I think. It's confusing me a bit mind explaining why u had a pacifier in ur backpack

I laid my phone in my lap as I waited for a reply. And then right as Mr.Lefler my boring history teacher finished his random speech about cheddar cheese and how it is made, I honestly think he is ADHD, my phone went off.

I took a deep breath not prepared to see what he had said because I expected the worst.

Mack: Aww that was supposed to be a suprise princess)): and please call me daddy

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