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Guess who's back back back
Ha...not that I was even gone for that long and it's not like anyone cared😂 I'll try from now on to update regularly but it may be difficult I'll try to write as good as I can for you smol babes💕

Daniel's POV

I hold tightly onto Joey's hand, allowing tears to flow from my eyes and roll down my cheeks. This is all my fault. I should've never told him what Christian did to me. He really had no right to know, and I'm still not completely sure why I told him. Maybe it was out of anger, or maybe a small part of me wanted him to beat Christian senseless, either way there's no going back now.

The ambulance comes to a halt and the doors are swung open almost immediately. A few men are gathered there, ready to take Joey out of the vehicle and into the emergency room. I move out of their way, allowing them to take Joey's body out. Various possible outcomes flood my brain. What if he dies? What if he doesn't remember who I am? What if he blames this whole thing on me? What if he hates me after this?

"Sir, you're going to need to exit the ambulance." A middle-aged man says to me, and I oblige.

Climbing out of the stopped vehicle, I run into the building, seeing nurses frantically pushing Joey's gurney. My legs begin carrying me quickly, inching closer to the love of my life. As soon as I'm about to reach him, they turn into a room, slamming the door shut behind him. I begin banging on the window of the door, hot tears streaming down my face.

A woman comes to the door, pulling down a privacy curtain so I am unable to see what's going on. I bang my fists against the wall in defeat, resting my forehead along the surface as well. Someone taps on my shoulder, causing me to turn around. A guy stands there. He looks a little older than me and something about him is extremely familiar.

"Can I help you?" I ask, exasperation lacing my words.

He smiles sadly, looking at me like my dog just died.

"You don't exactly know me, but I know you." Are the first words that leave his mouth. I look at him, raising my eyebrows.

"Who are you?" I ask, backing away slightly. He looks at me, his eyes soft and his smile kind.

"Preston, Joey's ex boyfriend."

(a/n: hopefully you guys remember Preston...?)

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