forty five

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Joey's POV

"Hurry the fuck up!" I snap at Preston, who currently sat at the wheel, rushing to Vegas.

"I'm going as fast as I can without breaking the fucking sound barrier, Joseph!" Preston screams back, his grip tightening on the steering wheel.

"Don't call me Joseph." I growl and cross my arms over my chest.

"Okay you need to calm down. Daniel is going to be fine, trust me. What's the worst they could do? They only told me they were going to toy with him a little bit." Preston shrugs, keeping his eyes on the road.

I pause, realizing what he said.

"Wait, rewind." I say, turning to face the boy, "You were a part of this? I thought you only knew about their plans to take him to Vegas?"

Preston immediately tenses, clenching his jaw.

"Look, Joey, don't freak out. Let me ex–"

"Preston, what the fuck is going on?" I interrupt him, my booming voice filling up the small space in the car.

"Okay, well...when I came to the apartment and did what I did, that was part of this." Preston explains vaguely.

A dry laugh escapes my lips as the words leave his mouth. He was part of this fucking plan all along? I should've figured that out already, I'm a fucking idiot.

"Did you hear me? I sa–"

"I fucking heard you." I snap, my tone cold.

"I'm really sorry I–"

"No. Just don't. Stop talking. Just know that if anything happens to him, I blame you." I mutter, turning my head so I'm facing the window.


"We're here!" Preston announces, awakening me from my restless slumber.

"It's about fucking time." I mumble, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I take in my surroundings, noticing a large casino with a small, rundown motel beside it. This place looks sketchy as fuck. I immediately feel sick to my stomach at the sight of the surrounding area.

We step out of the car and I walk directly beside Preston. He seems to know exactly where he's going, which concerns me. I guess he really did know all about this whole fucked up event. I can't believe I almost pitied this boy. He's nothing but a piece of scum scraped off a filthy shoe.

Preston opens the rusty door to the building, taking out his phone and using the flashlight to find his way. The place is completely abandoned, micr scurrying across my feet as we walk down the oddly moist and echoey hallway. What the hell is this place, and why would Daniel be here? I'm taken out of my thoughts when a loud scream sounds.

"Daniel?" I call out loudly, my pace quickening as I leave Preston in my dust. The scream becomes louder and the closer I become, the more is sounds like a plea for help.

"I'm coming, baby!" I scream, twisting and turning down the narrow hallways and following the sound of his muffled cries.

"Joey, wait up!" Preston huffs behind me, his breathing heavy. I ignore him, continuing down the hallway and heading for my Daniel.

"H-Help!" the sound is now very clear as I turn down another hallway, finding a large, heavy, wooden door.

I begin pushing against the door violently, but there's a large metal lock clamping the door shut.

"For fucks sake! Preston, get your ass over here and help me get this fucking door open!" I scream, turning around.

Preston comes down the hallway, running over to me and inspecting the door.

"On the count of three, okay?" he questions and I nod.



"Three!" we yell in unison, using our entire bodies and pushing against the door with all our might.

The door wiggles slightly before the old, rotten wood cracks, a large hole forming in the centre of the door.

"Can you we through there?" Preston asks, inspecting the hole.

I nod, crouching down and climbing into the room. Sharp wooden pieces claw into my back, but I ignore the pain and rush into the room. What I see immediately causes my heart to ache and anger to build in the back of my throat.

"H-Help me." Daniel stutters, his voice drained.

There he is, tied to a bed, naked.

I run over to him immediately, tears welling in my eyes as I take in his appearance.

"Baby what did they do to you?" I ask as tears roll down my cheeks and my hands cup Daniel's cheeks gently.

"Just help me." Daniel demands, flinching at my soft touch. I nod vigorously and look over at Preston.

"There has to be something in here to cut these ropes with, and fast. They're digging into his fucking skin, Preston! He's hurting. We need to get him to a hospital or something!" I scream, pacing around the dingy room.

"Wait, I have a pocketknife in my pocket. I carry it with me at all times." Preston exclaims, whipping the small object out of his pocket.

I immediately take it from him, gently cutting at the thick rope laced around his wrists. The knife cuts through it easily with its sharp edge and I am able to free his first wrist quickly. I continue this action for his ankles and second wrist and then immediately inspect the damage done.

"Oh my fucking God, Daniel. We need to get you immediate medical help." I whisper urgently, looking towards Preston, "Get the car. Bring it as close as possible and I will bring Daniel down."

Preston nods quickly and climbs through the door as I scurry around the room, searching for a blanket or something to cover Daniel with. Thankfully, I find a bed sheet in a drawer and immediately wrap Daniel in it. He tenses, but he begins to calm down as I pick him up and take him towards the door.

I kick at the door violently, creating a bigger space that both Daniel and I can fit through. I make sure Daniel's head is covered and then head through, running down the echoey hallways with Daniel in arms. I twist and turn down all the same hallways, finding my way to the exit and running through immediately.

The car is parked right outside of the exit, so I climb into the backseat with Daniel and hold onto him as Preston drives quickly towards the nearest hospital.

I can't lose him. Without him, there's no point in living.


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