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Adam sat on a cold, uncomfortable bench, far too close to the man with the shiny ring and he clutched his dinner in his hands. 'Dinner' in this case described nothing and he was more or less clawing at his empty hands after what had happened in the shop left him with pain in different places and no dinner at all.

A resigned groan left his throat as his head fell back against the gray wall harder than he initially wanted to and soon a dull pain radiated from the back of his head in response. He wasn't exactly annoyed to be at the police station. 

Truth to be told, he spent a lot of time there and every policeman knew him. No, he was more annoyed that because every officer knew him they searched through his pockets just for good measure.

Which was basically the reason why he was wearing less than he would like to and why his ass was freezing off on this bench. 

There was that one officer, Matt Atwood, that he and Chris had known since primary school. He was always trying to help Adam and by then had very little problems undressing him, which however Adam always felt uneasy with.

Well, nobody but Adam would think he was naked since he was still wearing his shirt and pants and literally everything except for his coat, but he felt ridiculously exposed. Every now and then Adam could feel the eyes of the man with the ring on him and it made him more and more uncomfortable.

"Do you need something?" he asked and forced himself to be as calm as possible, but his voice didn't hide how wary he was.

"I thought you might want to find out who you tried to rob," the man smirked, but Adam didn't understand why and instead was amazed by his incredibly deep voice. "My name is Tim F-"

But Adam never caught the rest of Tim F.'s name as he was too pre-occupied to suppress the urge to take that pen with the special signature on the counter across the hall from them. 

His head hurt and he leaned forward slightly just to drag his knees to his chest and lay his head on them. The idea to steal something while being in a police station excited him and dominated his thoughts until he couldn't bear it any longer. 

He had already messed up once that day.

He took a few deep breaths and pinched himself, hoping the other one wouldn't notice before he slowly felt his clouded mind clearing up again. He had found out that these things only worked on good days.

On very bad days, however, he had done so much worse things to his body to keep himself from acting on these obsessive thoughts, but even then it didn't help.

Slowly, he turned to Tim, the guy with the shiny ring and for some reason he confused him. Adam uncurled himself and tried to get comfortable on the hard bench, but he found it impossible to relax in that situation.

"Adam," he introduced himself to the other one and after a few moments of silence, he felt the need to add something. "Sorry for trying to take your ring."

Although Adam was a normal man and he knew what he wanted, he didn't want the ring anymore, but still found himself drawn to Tim. 

He rarely apologized to anybody, well, he usually begged Chris for forgiveness when he had managed to anger his brother too much, but that was something else.

"Yeah, that wasn't cool, buddy," Tim answered still smirking and Adam could feel himself blushing in, what he sure thought was shame. "Why did they take your coat, but not mine?"

The man's voice sent shivers down Adam's spine and he hung his head as he tried to avoid the answer. He hugged himself and when he looked up again Adam could see that one officer that he had known for so long approaching. 

Matt carried his coat and handed it to him before he crossed his arms as he positioned himself in front of Adam and Tim.

"You should be thankful I was on duty tonight and I'll just let that stuff I found in your pockets disappear, Kleptomaniac," Matt exclaimed loud enough for only them to hear him. "You promised me to find some help, remember?"

"I know and I'm sorry," Adam murmured, but he couldn't bring himself to look at either Tim or Matt and instead hugged his coat to his chest, hoping he could get home soon and sleep that horrible day away.

"Do you want to sue him?" Matt turned to Tim with a serious expression, but he sounded like he would rather just let the incident slide completely, whereas Tim was completely relaxed.

"Nah, I'm good."

Adam tilted his head to the side as he heard Tim talking and his heart skipped a beat for no particular reason. A genuine smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he mouthed a 'thank you' to the other man and his body seemed to slowly unfreeze, although he still felt cold.

"Oh and Adam do you have your keys? I tried to phone Chris like usual, but he didn't answer. I would hate for you to have to spend the night in a hotel or something," Matt continued and although he only tried to be nice, Adam knew the officer would never invite him to his home.

"I don't have my keys and I couldn't even afford dinner tonight," Adam's voice was weak and he could already see another night on the streets for him until he found Chris, but he really wasn't looking forward to that.

"Wanna stay with me? My roommate is gone and won't be back until next weekend, I mean you could have his bed and stuff." Tim offered and although Adam didn't understand why (he also didn't understand why Matt looked so worried), he gladly took the man's offer and went home with him.

Adam didn't think much of the man's offer, after all, he only wanted to sleep there and Tim had just attempted to help him. 

However, Chris once said Adam might be a bit too innocent sometimes and on another occasion he called him plain stupid in terms of physical attraction or literally just attraction in general, which Adam thought was very rude of Chris to say. But he only started to learn later what his older brother had been talking about.


I'm back from the dead, you guys! (Lol as if)

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